Apartment complex real estate listings often describe classes of apartment in an integrated way rather than enumerating each near-identical apartment separately.
how can we describe a typical instance of such an apartment? by inheriting from Apartment and also from https://schema.org/SomeProducts ? /cc @mfhepp
We may also want offers either at a general level for living in the whole complex somewhere or tied to classes of apartment eg. those on ground floor vs middle vs top might vary in prices (as well as floorplan etc.).
/cc schemaorg/schemaorg#241 schemaorg/schemaorg#2373
Apartment complex real estate listings often describe classes of apartment in an integrated way rather than enumerating each near-identical apartment separately.
Is there a link here to https://schema.org/ProductModel or https://schema.org/SomeProducts ?
https://schema.org/containsPlace / https://schema.org/containedInPlace can describe how https://schema.org/Apartment or https://schema.org/SingleFamilyResidence are part of an https://schema.org/ApartmentComplex
how can we describe a typical instance of such an apartment? by inheriting from Apartment and also from https://schema.org/SomeProducts ? /cc @mfhepp
We may also want offers either at a general level for living in the whole complex somewhere or tied to classes of apartment eg. those on ground floor vs middle vs top might vary in prices (as well as floorplan etc.).