schematron-quickfix / sqf

Schematron Quick Fixes
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The stringReplace operation should specify also the regexp flags #16

Closed octavianN closed 8 years ago

octavianN commented 8 years ago


The sqf:stringReplace operation should specify also the "flags" for the regular expression. Flags that control multiline mode, case insensitivity, etc. I think we can add something similar with the flags attribute from the xsl:analyze-string element.

Now, as an workaround, you can use the sqf:replace operation and the xsl:analyze-string inside the operation.

Best Regards, Octavian

nkutsche commented 8 years ago

I updated the spec and schema with the following commits:

The flag is now optional to the sqf:stringReplace element. The usage should be equal to the xsl:analyze-string/@flags attribute.