The user environment of scsh 0.7 distinguishes symbols with different capitalisation, e.g. 'gg, 'Gg, and 'GG, but on the other hand provides the standard READ proc that translates the case of symbolic data. That seems somewhat incongruous to me.
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I would prefer READ (in the user environment) to act like the scsh reader rather than the standard Scheme one (as in scsh 0.6, I believe).
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(eq? (string->symbol "Gg") 'gg)
Reported by RT Happe quite a while ago
The user environment of scsh 0.7 distinguishes symbols with different capitalisation, e.g. 'gg, 'Gg, and 'GG, but on the other hand provides the standard READ proc that translates the case of symbolic data. That seems somewhat incongruous to me.
I would prefer READ (in the user environment) to act like the scsh reader rather than the standard Scheme one (as in scsh 0.6, I believe).
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