schibsted / account-sdk-ios

⛔️ DEPRECATED SchibstedAccount SDK for iOS
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Downscale PDF asset for Schibsted logo #300

Open vmagaziy opened 4 years ago

vmagaziy commented 4 years ago

Having the mentioned PDF asset in its original size (1698×355) may cause performance issues when the login dialog is interactively dismissed in iOS 13 because the asset is too large.


This PR decreases dimensions of the asset to 149 × 31 while aspect ratio is maintained:

1698 / 355 = 4.783
149 / 31 = 4.806
minarikg commented 4 years ago


clausjoergensen commented 4 years ago
  • Did you preserv the PDF as a vector image?

This is not a 3rd party view, it's the IdentifierViewController.xib using the asset from the Images.xcassets, and no, it is not being preserved as vector data.

But the size is still absurd compared to the render size, using a smaller asset is better in every way possible. Smaller size footprint, less memory usage, smoother animations.