Closed jricardogon closed 9 months ago
This Array[index][-4 : ]
will give you the last four characters of a string.
The easiest way to do the grouping is probably to write a recursive function. If the ends of the strings are the same, add to the current group. If they're different, start a new group.
This was more near that i achieved. Im have many difficulty because not possible create a variable and to assign concatenate values :(
Im using in this componet (
let arrayIndexed = zip-with-index(.data)
//let array = {[size($arrayIndexed)]}
def child(value, index) "" // $arrayIndexed[$index]
//[for($arrayIndexed[]) .value if(.index <= $index and .value[ -4: ] == $value)]
let test = [for ($arrayIndexed)
let idx = .index
let groupCurrentLine = .value[ -4 : ]
let groupNextLine = $arrayIndexed[$idx + 1].value[ -4: ]
if( $idx == 0)
{"root": $groupCurrentLine , "child": .value }
if($groupCurrentLine != $groupNextLine)
if($groupNextLine != null)
{ "child": .value , "root": $groupNextLine }
{"child": .value }
{"child": .value }
let final = [for ($test) .root ]
{"final": $final, "test": $test}
Try this:
// process array of items
// "array" is the array
// "currentGroup" holds the group name, for with matching items are collected
// "groups" holds all identified groups
// "members" are items in the same group
// the function consumes one item and calls itself recursively with a reduced array
// in each iteration there are two possibilities:
// a) group name matches "currentGroup"
// => collect the name into same group
// b) group names differ
// => the previous group is added to "groups" with collected members
// => start a new group collection
def process (array, currentGroup, groups, members)
let itemName = $array[0]
let itemGroup = $itemName[-4:]
// last iteration, no more items
// last group is collected but not included in the result yet!
// => add it to the groups
if (not($array))
$groups + [ { "group": $currentGroup, "values": $members }]
// item is a member of current group
// add it to the $members
else if ($itemGroup == $currentGroup)
process ($array[1:], $currentGroup, $groups, $members + [ $itemName ])
// group names do NOT match
// emmit collected members of previous group to $groups
// start collecting for new group
process ($array[1:], $itemGroup, $groups + [ { "group": $currentGroup, "values": $members }], [ $itemName ])
// initial call, with "groups" and "members" being empty
process (.data, .data[0][-4:], [], [])
For this input
"data": [
I get:
[ {
"group" : "1111",
"values" : [ "AAAAAAAAAA1111", "AAAAAAAAAA1111" ]
}, {
"group" : "2222",
"values" : [ "BBBBBBBBBB2222", "BBBBBBBBBB2222", "BBBBBBBBBB2222" ]
}, {
"group" : "9999",
"values" : [ "EEEEEEEEEE9999", "EEEEEEEEEE9999" ]
}, {
"group" : "5555",
"values" : [ "CCCCCCCCCC5555" ]
}, {
"group" : "3333",
"values" : [ "CCCCCCCCCC3333", "CCCCCCCCCC3333", "CCCCCCCCCC3333" ]
}, {
"group" : "7777",
"values" : [ "DDDDDDDDDD7777", "DDDDDDDDDD7777" ]
} ]
Thank you so much! Exactly what I need. After many try i did this:
let arrayIndexed = zip-with-index(.data)
def children(start, end ) //$start+ " - "+ $end [for($arrayIndexed) .value if(.index >= $start and .index <= $end )]
let idxBreak = zip-with-index([for ($arrayIndexed)
let idx = .index
let groupCurrentLine = .value[ -4 : ]
let groupNextLine = $arrayIndexed[$idx + 1].value[ -4: ]
{"idx": $idx , "root" : $groupCurrentLine }
if( $groupCurrentLine!= $groupNextLine)
let final = [for($idxBreak) if(.index == 0) {"root" : .value.root, "children": children(0, .value.idx) } else {"root" : .value.root, "children": children($idxBreak[.index - 1].value.idx + 1, .value.idx) } ]
{ "final" : $final }
Example: I have one array, and if the value is equal, it is the same group, if not is new one. Input: { "data" : ["AAAAAAAAAA1111","AAAAAAAAAA1111", "BBBBBBBBBB2222", "BBBBBBBBBB2222", "AAAAAAAAAA1111","AAAAAAAAAA1111", "AAAAAAAAAA1111"] }
Output expected:
[ { "group": "1111", --last for characters "values": [ "AAAAAAAAAA1111", "AAAAAAAAAA1111" ] }, { "group": "2222", "values": [ "BBBBBBBBBB2222", "BBBBBBBBBB2222" ] }, { "group": "1111", "values": [ "AAAAAAAAAA1111", "AAAAAAAAAA1111", "AAAAAAAAAA1111" ] }
tks for help.