schibsted / jslt

JSON query and transformation language
Apache License 2.0
638 stars 120 forks source link

is this project still being maintained and developed #343

Open samer1977 opened 6 months ago

samer1977 commented 6 months ago

Hi, Im just carious is this project still going in terms of development? It doesnt seem to be that there has been any new release after 2022. The reason Im asking is because I cam across this sentence in this file language-design.txt under NAME header:

jslt XSLT in JSON alternative, now dead

so is the project dead? if so what is the alternative?


larsga commented 6 months ago

It's still being maintained.

jslt XSLT in JSON alternative, now dead

This was me considering JSLT as a possible name, and noting that it was being used by a project that was an XSLT in JSON alternative, but that project was already dead. So it's not about this language.

samer1977 commented 6 months ago

when are you planning the next release? what features,functions...etc. are expected to be in the new release? what about all those ideas referenced under the ideas folder?

larsga commented 6 months ago

The next release will be when there is something to release. What that will be depends on what needs people report.

We could of course build all sorts of stuff, but it's better to wait and see what there is a need for.

Some of the ideas in the folder I still want to explore, but I'm not going to put the time into doing that right now.