Open Bobsans opened 5 years ago
Lookups over M2M fields are a bit harder: you have possibly multiple records that you are referring to, so I'm not sure how that would work.
I guess you could return and array of values.
...but that might limit it to postgres.
I think maybe ManyToMany may be non-trivial. Requiring the user to use an Array constructer on a subquery might work though.
I want to do this thing:
class Phone(models.Model):
number = models.CharField()
use_count = ComputedField(Count('records'))
class Record(models.Model):
phones = models.ManyToManyField(Phone, related_name='records')
but it does not work.
Although if you do (without use_count field in model)
everything works fine.
And here is DB queries:
When using annotate:
COUNT("records_record_phones"."record_id") AS "count"
FROM "phones_phone"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "records_record_phones" ON ("phones_phone"."id" = "records_record_phones"."phone_id")
GROUP BY "phones_phone"."id"
and when using ComputedField:
FROM "phones_phone"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "records_record_phones" ON ("phones_phone"."id" = "records_record_phones"."phone_id")
It no have GROUP BY and wrong field in count.
Ah, that's a ComputedField of an aggregate.
I'll try to come up with a mechanism: it's possible a Subquery could work.
But idea of this module very cool) Thank you.
Ah, it looks to be doing an .aggregate()
like call, when it should be an .annotate()
When you do a Phone.objects.get(pk=pk)
, it will give you the correct answer. But that's because there's only one.
It's work, but query.group_by
not always tuple.
And next code work correctly:
class Phone(models.Model):
number = models.CharField()
verified = models.BooleanField()
use_count = ComputedField(Count('records'))
class Record(models.Model):
phones = models.ManyToManyField(Phone, related_name='records')
has_verified_phones = ComputedField(Count(Case(When(phones__verified=True, then=1), output_field=BooleanField())))
records = list(Record.objects.all()[:10])
But if add custom annotate (it's just an example:)):
records = list(Record.objects.annotate(has_not_verified=Count(Case(When(phones__verified=False, then=1), output_field=BooleanField()))).all()[:10])
next code raise exception
query.group_by += (,)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'bool' and 'tuple'
Pretty sure that they work: you just need to wrap the reference in an expression of some sort: you can't just use