schinckel / django-computed-field

ComputedField() for django
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What about ForeignKey and ManyToMany fields? #2

Open Bobsans opened 5 years ago

schinckel commented 5 years ago

Pretty sure that they work: you just need to wrap the reference in an expression of some sort: you can't just use ComputedField(F('foo__bar'))

schinckel commented 5 years ago

Lookups over M2M fields are a bit harder: you have possibly multiple records that you are referring to, so I'm not sure how that would work.

I guess you could return and array of values.

schinckel commented 5 years ago

...but that might limit it to postgres.

schinckel commented 5 years ago

I think maybe ManyToMany may be non-trivial. Requiring the user to use an Array constructer on a subquery might work though.

Bobsans commented 5 years ago

I want to do this thing:

class Phone(models.Model):
    number = models.CharField()
    use_count = ComputedField(Count('records'))

class Record(models.Model):
    phones = models.ManyToManyField(Phone, related_name='records')

but it does not work.

Although if you do (without use_count field in model)


everything works fine.

Bobsans commented 5 years ago

And here is DB queries:

When using annotate:

    COUNT("records_record_phones"."record_id") AS "count"
FROM "phones_phone"
    LEFT OUTER JOIN "records_record_phones" ON ("phones_phone"."id" = "records_record_phones"."phone_id")
GROUP BY "phones_phone"."id"

and when using ComputedField:

FROM "phones_phone"
    LEFT OUTER JOIN "records_record_phones" ON ("phones_phone"."id" = "records_record_phones"."phone_id")

It no have GROUP BY and wrong field in count.

schinckel commented 5 years ago

Ah, that's a ComputedField of an aggregate.

I'll try to come up with a mechanism: it's possible a Subquery could work.

Bobsans commented 5 years ago

But idea of this module very cool) Thank you.

schinckel commented 5 years ago

Ah, it looks to be doing an .aggregate() like call, when it should be an .annotate().

schinckel commented 5 years ago

When you do a Phone.objects.get(pk=pk), it will give you the correct answer. But that's because there's only one.

Bobsans commented 5 years ago

It's work, but query.group_by not always tuple. And next code work correctly:

class Phone(models.Model):
    number = models.CharField()
    verified = models.BooleanField()
    use_count = ComputedField(Count('records'))

class Record(models.Model):
    phones = models.ManyToManyField(Phone, related_name='records')
    has_verified_phones = ComputedField(Count(Case(When(phones__verified=True, then=1), output_field=BooleanField())))

records = list(Record.objects.all()[:10])

But if add custom annotate (it's just an example:)):

records = list(Record.objects.annotate(has_not_verified=Count(Case(When(phones__verified=False, then=1), output_field=BooleanField()))).all()[:10])

next code raise exception

    query.group_by += (,)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'bool' and 'tuple'