schism-dev / pyschism

Python interface for handling the SCHISM model.
Apache License 2.0
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Quick-question board. #23

Open jreniel opened 3 years ago

jreniel commented 3 years ago

Please use this issue tracker to post "quick" questions about pyschism.

For bug reports please open a new issue.

ivicajan commented 3 years ago

Hi Jaime, thanks for putting all the nice functionality needed for SCHISM model into the python.

I am testing some of it for my super fine scale local (small geo region) grid and not sure how to properly specify ERA5 subsetting bounding box. If using standard way with bbox = hgrid.get_bbox('EPSG:4326', output_type='bbox') then I have only 1 ERA5 lon stripe point saved in sflux file. However, I belive we need at least 2 for proper convex hull interpolation.

Tried to change in condition which use predefined xoffset/yoffset (set to era5 grid resolution 0.25 deg): 'area': [self._bbox.ymax+yoffset, self._bbox.xmin-xoffset, self._bbox.ymin-yoffset, self._bbox.xmax+xoffset], as well as (>= replaced with > etc): def _modified_bbox_indexes(self): lat_idxs = np.where(( > self._bbox.ymin) & ( < self._bbox.ymax))[0] lon_idxs = np.where((self.lon > self._bbox.xmin) & (self.lon < self._bbox.xmax))[0] return lon_idxs, lat_idxs The end result I got with this modification is OK in the er() extracted structure, but somehow it is still not written in the forcing files (which still have only 1 lon stripe).

er.inventory.lon, (masked_array(data=[115.335 , 115.585335, 115.83567 , 116.086 ], mask=False, fill_value=1e+20, dtype=float32), masked_array(data=[-31.621, -31.871, -32.121, -32.371], mask=False, fill_value=1e+20, dtype=float32))

but netcdf file is: data:

lon = 115.8357, 115.8357, 115.8357 ;

lat = -31.871, -32.121, -32.371 ; }

Cheers, Ivica

SorooshMani-NOAA commented 2 years ago

Are there any plans for publishing pyschism on PyPI more regularly? Having it as a repo makes it harder for packages that rely on it to specify it as dependency. PyPI seems to not allow direct reference (i.e. by url) for packages that are uploaded to it.

SorooshMani-NOAA commented 2 years ago

@cuill if you don't have plans for publishing on PyPI can I create a fork and publish with a name such as pyschism-unofficial or something like that?

josephzhang8 commented 2 years ago

In principle, we should publish pyschism on an official python repo. Apache v2 license allows liberal use by others.

Hi Linlin/Jaime: can you please suggest a way forward? We want to make psychism as usable as possible. Thanks.


Y. Joseph Zhang Web: Office: 804 684 7466

From: Soroosh Mani @.> Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2022 8:51 AM To: schism-dev/pyschism @.> Cc: Subscribed @.***> Subject: Re: [schism-dev/pyschism] Quick-question board. (#23)

[EXTERNAL to VIMS received message]

@cuill if you don't have plans for publishing on PyPI can I create a fork and publish with a name such as pyschism-unofficial or something like that?

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TPCollings commented 2 years ago

Hi there, thanks very much for releasing this package, it's incredibly useful. Are there any plans to release some more updated and complete documentation in the near future?



TPCollings commented 2 years ago

Also the example scripts are incomplete and outdated. Does anyone have an example script they could share with me that just show's the implementation of the model using Pyschism?


cuill commented 2 years ago

@TPCollings Here are the most updated examples:

TPCollings commented 2 years ago

@cuill Ah thanks, I've already found, they are really useful. I'm more looking for some examples of how to initiate the model once the input files have been generated.

cuill commented 2 years ago

@TPCollings The SCHISM online manual probably can answer your question:

SorooshMani-NOAA commented 2 years ago

@cuill I see that gfs2.GFS and hrrr3.HRRR only generate a single .nc file. How can I get the valid SCHISM sflux file from here? Should I use a custom script or is there any function in PySCHISM to generate the valid sflux for me?

cuill commented 2 years ago

@SorooshMani-NOAA I think these two examples should generate multiple nc files based on rnday you provide:

SorooshMani-NOAA commented 2 years ago

@cuill I just returns a hrrr_<datestamp>.nc file but not sflux_air_1.[XXXX].nc, sflux_prc_1.[XXXX].nc and sflux_rad_1.[XXXX].nc. Also GFS only gives me an error. This is my test code:

hrrr3.HRRR(, pscr='/tmp/testhrrr3', rnday=2, record=1, bbox=Bbox([[-80, 20], [-75, 35]]))


gfs2.GFS(, pscr='/tmp/testgfs2', rnday=2, record=1, bbox=Bbox([[-80, 20], [-75, 35]]))

For GFS I get:

File ~/workarea/sandbox/pyschism/pyschism/forcing/nws/nws2/, in gen_sflux()
    114 def gen_sflux(self, date, record, pscr):
--> 116     inventory = AWSGrib2Inventory(date, record, pscr)
    117     grbfiles = inventory.files
    118     cycle = date.hour

File ~/workarea/sandbox/pyschism/pyschism/forcing/nws/nws2/, in __init__()
     47 for page in pages:
     48     pprint(page)
---> 49     for obj in page['Contents']:
     50         pprint(obj)
     51         data.append(obj)

KeyError: 'Contents'

Should I create a ticket for it?

cuill commented 2 years ago

The file name follows Dan's workflow, so that he doesn't need to change his shell scripts. Users can link the needed files to the run directory.

I don't have issues running gfs2.GFS. Are you using the latest version of pyschism? Line 116 should be this: path = pathlib.Path(date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))

SorooshMani-NOAA commented 2 years ago

@cuill yes, I'm using the latest. The reason behind difference in line no is that I added some print statements to see what is going on. So right now you can execute the gfs2 line I wrote above without any issues? That's strange!

About the files, is there any script to convert that to sflux air, prc and rad files? Can Dan's script please be shared on the repo as an example if it's already not?

cuill commented 2 years ago


No, I was using the example script.

I think the issue with your script is start_date format.

cuill commented 2 years ago

@SorooshMani-NOAA In your case, you can create start_date as follows:

date = - timedelta(days=1) start_date = datetime(now.year, now.month,

SorooshMani-NOAA commented 2 years ago

@cuill Thanks for your help. By the way, I just tested the same gfs2 code from above on a different machine and it worked without any changes to the start_date argument. I guess on my own machine there's a package inconsistency causing some of the issues.

In any case, would it be possible to share the script that Dan is using to convert .nc files to proper sflux format?

SorooshMani-NOAA commented 2 years ago

Actually it was pure lucky timing. But the easier way is to just send date object, i.e. as start_date

cuill commented 2 years ago

@SorooshMani-NOAA Here is the script to link sflux to the run directory:

SorooshMani-NOAA commented 2 years ago

@cuill thank you. So it's OK if sflux files have additional variables, as long as they have the required ones for each of the rad, prc and air, right? Because the script is just linking the same file for all the three variables for a given time.

cuill commented 2 years ago

@SorooshMani-NOAA Yes.

SorooshMani-NOAA commented 1 year ago

@cuill I'm trying to use HRRR original implementation for 2 day forecast setup and I'm running into an issue. Without getting into details about my issue, I was wondering why the following lines were modified? Was TemporaryDirectory causing any issues? My issue will be resolved if temporary directory location (i.e. /tmp) is used (e.g. by using tempfile.TemporaryDirectory) instead of current directory (i.e. ./{self.start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')}) for _tmpdir creation

josephzhang8 commented 1 year ago

Is PyPI safe?


Y. Joseph Zhang Web: Office: 804 684 7466

From: Soroosh Mani @.> Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 3:59 PM To: schism-dev/pyschism @.> Cc: Subscribed @.***> Subject: Re: [schism-dev/pyschism] Quick-question board. (#23)

[EXTERNAL to VIMS received message]

Are there any plans for publishing pyschism on PyPI? Having it only as a repo makes it harder for packages that rely on it to specify it as dependency. PyPI seems to not allow direct reference (i.e. by url) for packages that are uploaded to it.

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jreniel commented 1 year ago

Hi @josephzhang8, There is nothing inherently unsafe about PyPi. There have been occasions when users have uploaded malicious packages to PyPi, but in order to be affected by that, you must have installed those packages. The problem then is not one of PyPi itself, but rather of the specific packages that you choose to use from PyPi.

PyPi hosts over 350,000 packages, and from those, security firms have identified a solid 20 of them containing malicious code. [Edit]: See comment below for a relatively recent PyPi purge of ~3000 typosquatting packages.

A PyPi package that has been initially published by a trusted author cannot be hijacked and changed by an untrusted source. This is because all of the packages in PyPi have unique names, and once a name has been registered, no one except the person holding the authority keys to that name can change the content hosted in PyPi. So you can rest assured that if you trust the authors of the ``numpy'' PyPi name registration, you will always get packages that have been published exclusively by those authors.

Having said this, one of the ways people inject malicious code is by using similar names for a package, but it's very unlikely to fall into that trap for two reasons: first, packages like pyschism have a where the dependencies are explicitly set by the authors. That way the end users don't have to manually install any other package. And the second reason being that in the unlikely event that the users need to install something manually, they would have to make a typo that matches the name of some malicious package and import/execute the package with the typo ... This is very unlikely to happen.

So bottom line is, anyone can in principle publish anything to PyPi, including malware, but they cannot do it under names that have already been registered, so trusted authors (pypi names) can remain trusted indefinitely. So, as with every other piece of software, using common sense is your first line of defense.

jreniel commented 1 year ago

For example, on this report they talk about a malicious package named cupy-cuda112 (which was already removed because there is some level of audit in PyPI, contratry to what is stated in the 8-year old reddit link you posted in your question). But that name is not the same as cupy which is the original package that should be used if you would be interested in GPU computing using numpy.

This technique of using similar, but different names to deploy malicious code is called phishing typosquatting.