Open veenstrajelmer opened 1 year ago
Thx @veenstrajelmer. Did you do this for OLDIO or new scribed IO? For the latter we have UGRID part added, so we can easily add those changes. @platipodium @water-e : can u please chime in? Thx,
Thanks for your reply. I realized after the creation of this issue that it does not have enough context. At the moment i cannot answer your questions, but I will get back to you after a meeting tomorrow.
Hi @josephzhang8. After meeting with @BenjaminJacob86 I realized I used scribedio schism output that was already partly processed. In the below function I have defined the preprocessing that is needed in order for our ugrid reader to read and visualize the raw schism scribedio output. This is a bit more than I communicated before, but I hope this provides useful information to enrich the schism output dataset.
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import default_fillvals
import xugrid as xu # pip install xugrid, adds ugrid and grid accessors to xarray datasets
def preprocess_schism_scribedio(ds):
This preprocessing function describes the minimal changes that would have to be made
in the SCHISM output in order for it to be read via ugrid conventions with xugrid.
It is probably not a complete overview.
# set varnames
gridname = "SCHISM_hgrid"
fnc_varn = f"{gridname}_face_nodes"
enc_varn = f"{gridname}_edge_nodes"
node_x = f"{gridname}_node_x"
node_y = f"{gridname}_node_y"
# set topology attributes to empty variable
topo_attrs = {"cf_role": "mesh_topology",
"topology_dimension": 2, # has to be int, not str
"node_coordinates": f"{node_x} {node_y}",
"face_node_connectivity": fnc_varn,
"edge_node_connectivity": enc_varn,
ds[gridname] = xr.DataArray(np.array(default_fillvals["i4"], dtype=np.int32), attrs=topo_attrs)
# assign necessary attributes to connectivity variables
fnc_attrs = {"_FillValue":-1, "start_index":1}
ds[fnc_varn] = ds[fnc_varn].assign_attrs(fnc_attrs)
ds[enc_varn] = ds[enc_varn].assign_attrs(fnc_attrs)
# set node_x/node_y as coordinate variables instead of data_vars
ds = ds.set_coords([node_x,node_y])
# to prevent xugrid UserWarning, but this is hardcoded and it should be different for lat/lon models.
# "UserWarning: No standard_name of ('projection_x_coordinate', 'longitude', 'projection_y_coordinate', 'latitude') in
# ['SCHISM_hgrid_node_x', 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_y']. Using SCHISM_hgrid_node_x and SCHISM_hgrid_node_y as projected x and y coordinates."
projected = True
if projected:
ds[node_x] = ds[node_x].assign_attrs({"standard_name":"projection_x_coordinate"})
ds[node_y] = ds[node_y].assign_attrs({"standard_name":"projection_y_coordinate"})
ds[node_x] = ds[node_x].assign_attrs({"standard_name":"longitude"})
ds[node_y] = ds[node_y].assign_attrs({"standard_name":"latitude"})
# add variable with coordinate system, optional but convenient for loading into QGIS and other tools
# not yet properly read/updated by xugrid:
if projected:
grid_mapping_name = 'Unknown projected'
crs_varn = 'projected_coordinate_system'
crs_num = 25832 #UTM Zone 32N from communication with BJ
grid_mapping_name = 'latitude_longitude'
crs_varn = 'wgs84'
crs_num = 4326
crs_str = f'EPSG:{crs_num}'
crs_attrs = {'epsg': crs_num, # epsg or EPSG_code are required for correct interpretation by QGIS
'EPSG_code': crs_str, # epsg or EPSG_code are required for correct interpretation by QGIS
'grid_mapping_name': grid_mapping_name,
ds[crs_varn] = xr.DataArray(np.array(default_fillvals['i4'],dtype=int),dims=(),attrs=crs_attrs)
# mesh attribute is required for d-ecoimpact
# valueable other attrs are "location" (node/face/edge),
# "standard_name", "long_name", "units", "grid_mapping"
for varn in ds.data_vars:
ds[varn] = ds[varn].assign_attrs({'mesh': gridname})
# time requires "units" attribute to be converted by xarray and other tools
# refdate taken from params.nml
ds['time'] = ds['time'].assign_attrs({"units":"seconds since 2017-01-02 00:00:00"})
ds = xr.decode_cf(ds)
#TODO: set _FillValue attribute for data_vars, test dataset did not seem to have nans
return ds
file_nc_pat = r"c:\Users\veenstra\Downloads\example\1_raw_outputs\*"
# open the file with xarray, add ugrid conventions with preprocessing function and convert to UgridDataset
# in case of a pre-merged file this oneliner also works: `uds = xu.open_dataset(ds, preprocess=preprocess_schism_scribedio)`
# that would also work if the topology variables would be present in all datasets
ds = xr.open_mfdataset(file_nc_pat)
ds = preprocess_schism_scribedio(ds)
uds = xu.UgridDataset(ds)
# test with a ugrid plot to show the salinity variable was properly connected to the ugrid topology
uds.salinity.isel(time=-1, nSCHISM_vgrid_layers=0).ugrid.plot()
It mostly comes down to creating an empty variable containing the mesh topology and adding some attributes. In the comments some other suggestions or the reasoning behind it is given.
Other suggestions would be:
Thanks @veenstrajelmer for following up on this. We @josephzhang8 should in any case add the relevant (empty variable) metadata to any output.
@veenstrajelmer Could you attach a netcdf -h
header dump of both the original and your desired version of the test file you were using?
We had a discussion previously on your suggestion
Currently the salinity file can only be processed properly by using information from the 2d file. Instead add topology data to all separate datasets, so these files are all self-contained.
Our opinions differ on this issue, as this would require more storage space. @josephzhang8 would you reconsider?
Regarding the comments:
Currently the salinity file can only be processed properly by using information from the 2d file. Instead add topology data to all separate datasets, so these files are all self-contained.
Adding this info in all 3D outputs would increase the size by a non-trivial amount for large meshes (e.g. STOFS3D), so it was decided to leave it out. Is there a way to add a note in 3D outputs to point to 2D?
add attributes to all variables so it is clear what it contains
In principle this is doable, but since we support A LOT OF outputs, we decided instead to make the output file names as explicit as possible More importantly, this save some communication cost.
Thanks for the responses.
I recommend to not add the topology variable if the actual topology is not added, it will result in a corrupt file according to the ugrid conventions since the variables where the topology attributes point to are not present. The current setup is in that case better, so I would recommend to leave that as is.
However, enriching the dataset with the topology variables inside is still beneficial. I do not have netcdf/ncdump installed outside of python, but used this python workaround. I have pasted the entire output of both files below.
Original schism scribedio output (
NetCDF Global Attributes:
NetCDF dimension information:
Name: nSCHISM_hgrid_node
size: 515582
WARNING: nSCHISM_hgrid_node does not contain variable attributes
Name: nSCHISM_hgrid_face
size: 1019883
WARNING: nSCHISM_hgrid_face does not contain variable attributes
Name: nSCHISM_hgrid_edge
size: 1535511
WARNING: nSCHISM_hgrid_edge does not contain variable attributes
Name: nMaxSCHISM_hgrid_face_nodes
size: 4
WARNING: nMaxSCHISM_hgrid_face_nodes does not contain variable attributes
Name: nSCHISM_vgrid_layers
size: 21
WARNING: nSCHISM_vgrid_layers does not contain variable attributes
Name: one
size: 1
WARNING: one does not contain variable attributes
Name: two
size: 2
WARNING: two does not contain variable attributes
Name: time
size: 24
type: dtype('float64')
i23d: 0
NetCDF variable information:
Name: minimum_depth
dimensions: ('one',)
size: 1
type: dtype('float64')
Name: SCHISM_hgrid_node_x
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_node',)
size: 515582
type: dtype('float64')
Name: SCHISM_hgrid_node_y
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_node',)
size: 515582
type: dtype('float64')
Name: depth
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_node',)
size: 515582
type: dtype('float32')
Name: bottom_index_node
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_node',)
size: 515582
type: dtype('int32')
Name: SCHISM_hgrid_face_nodes
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_face', 'nMaxSCHISM_hgrid_face_nodes')
size: 4079532
type: dtype('int32')
Name: SCHISM_hgrid_edge_nodes
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_edge', 'two')
size: 3071022
type: dtype('int32')
Name: dryFlagNode
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: elevation
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: bottomStressX
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: bottomStressY
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: windSpeedX
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: windSpeedY
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: depthAverageVelX
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: depthAverageVelY
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sigWaveHeight
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: meanWavePeriod
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: zeroDowncrossPeriod
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: meanDirSpreading
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: peakPeriod
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: dominantDirection
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: peakSpreading
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: orbitalVelocity
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: rmsOrbitalVelocity
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: bottomExcursionPerio
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: frictionalVelocity
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: rougnessLength
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: waveEnergyDirX
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: waveEnergyDirY
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadX_1
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadY_1
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadX_2
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadY_2
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadX_3
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadY_3
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadX_4
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadY_4
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadX_5
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadY_5
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadX_6
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadY_6
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadX_7
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadY_7
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadX_8
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedloadY_8
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedFraction_1
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedFraction_2
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedFraction_3
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedFraction_4
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedFraction_5
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedFraction_6
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedFraction_7
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: sedBedFraction_8
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 1
Name: dryFlagElement
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_face')
size: 24477192
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 4
Name: dryFlagSide
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_edge')
size: 36852264
type: dtype('float32')
i23d: 7
Enriched file:
NetCDF Global Attributes:
Conventions: 'CF-1.9 UGRID-1.0'
NetCDF dimension information:
Name: nSCHISM_hgrid_face
size: 1019883
type: dtype('int64')
Name: nMaxSCHISM_hgrid_face_nodes
size: 4
WARNING: nMaxSCHISM_hgrid_face_nodes does not contain variable attributes
Name: nSCHISM_hgrid_edge
size: 1535511
type: dtype('int64')
Name: two
size: 2
WARNING: two does not contain variable attributes
Name: nSCHISM_hgrid_node
size: 515582
type: dtype('int64')
Name: time
size: 24
type: dtype('float64')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 0
units: 'seconds since 2017-01-02'
calendar: 'proleptic_gregorian'
Name: one
size: 1
WARNING: one does not contain variable attributes
NetCDF variable information:
Name: SCHISM_hgrid
dimensions: ()
size: 1
type: dtype('int32')
cf_role: 'mesh_topology'
long_name: 'Topology data of 2D mesh'
topology_dimension: 2
node_dimension: 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node'
edge_dimension: 'nSCHISM_hgrid_edge'
face_dimension: 'nSCHISM_hgrid_face'
max_face_nodes_dimension: 'SCHISM_hgrid_nMax_face_nodes'
edge_node_connectivity: 'SCHISM_hgrid_edge_nodes'
face_node_connectivity: 'SCHISM_hgrid_face_nodes'
node_coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
name: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
Name: SCHISM_hgrid_face_nodes
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_face', 'nMaxSCHISM_hgrid_face_nodes')
size: 4079532
type: dtype('int32')
_FillValue: -1
start_index: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
Name: SCHISM_hgrid_edge_nodes
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_edge', 'two')
size: 3071022
type: dtype('int32')
_FillValue: -1
start_index: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
Name: SCHISM_hgrid_node_x
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_node',)
size: 515582
type: dtype('float64')
_FillValue: nan
standard_name: 'projection_x_coordinate'
Name: SCHISM_hgrid_node_y
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_node',)
size: 515582
type: dtype('float64')
_FillValue: nan
standard_name: 'projection_y_coordinate'
Name: minimum_depth
dimensions: ('one',)
size: 1
type: dtype('float64')
_FillValue: nan
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
Name: depth
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_node',)
size: 515582
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: bottom_index_node
dimensions: ('nSCHISM_hgrid_node',)
size: 515582
type: dtype('int32')
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: dryFlagNode
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: elevation
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: bottomStressX
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: bottomStressY
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: windSpeedX
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: windSpeedY
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: depthAverageVelX
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: depthAverageVelY
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sigWaveHeight
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: meanWavePeriod
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: zeroDowncrossPeriod
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: meanDirSpreading
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: peakPeriod
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: dominantDirection
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: peakSpreading
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: orbitalVelocity
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: rmsOrbitalVelocity
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: bottomExcursionPerio
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: frictionalVelocity
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: rougnessLength
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: waveEnergyDirX
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: waveEnergyDirY
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadX_1
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadY_1
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadX_2
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadY_2
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadX_3
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadY_3
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadX_4
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadY_4
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadX_5
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadY_5
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadX_6
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadY_6
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadX_7
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadY_7
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadX_8
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedloadY_8
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedFraction_1
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedFraction_2
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedFraction_3
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedFraction_4
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedFraction_5
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedFraction_6
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedFraction_7
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: sedBedFraction_8
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_node')
size: 12373968
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 1
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
coordinates: 'SCHISM_hgrid_node_x SCHISM_hgrid_node_y'
Name: dryFlagElement
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_face')
size: 24477192
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 4
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
Name: dryFlagSide
dimensions: ('time', 'nSCHISM_hgrid_edge')
size: 36852264
type: dtype('float32')
_FillValue: nan
i23d: 7
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
Name: crs
dimensions: ()
size: 1
type: dtype('int32')
epsg: 25832
EPSG_code: 'EPSG:25832'
mesh: 'SCHISM_hgrid'
Yes I believe there are very simple tools to add this info, e.g. NCL/NCO etc.
Sure, but I guess the output is comparable to what I send. Is there any additional information you need from my side? Do you think it would be a valuable update to add the ugrid metadata to schism output?
I'll let @platipodium add the missing meta in SCHISM code. As I explained, we need to be frugal about adding mesh info in all outputs.
Yes, understandable, I am not sure if my response was clear. But I think in that case the current setup is good. Plain 3D variables in separate files, that are dependent on the out2d file in the same folder that contains all the connectivity/coordinates (and in the future also the topology metadata). Anyway, happy to be able to contribute something.
Great; thx @veenstrajelmer
@platipodium : can u plz add the missing metadata. Thx
@platipodium Was this enhancement by any chance already implemented? I am asking this since we are in the continuing process of simplifying our processing tools and specifically making support different model outputs. This SCHISM enhancement would be very helpful to make this process more transparent and simplify workflows for all D-EcoImpact users that want to work with SCHISM output.
@platipodium Was this enhancement by any chance already implemented? I am asking this since we are in
Sorry @veenstrajelmer, this has not yet been added. Feel free to do so :=)
Recently I recieved SCHISM model output, converted to ugrid format. We could not directly read this data with our generic ugrid reader, since there were some attributes missing or incorrect. I have written a preprocess function with which most things seem to work. Could you consider adding the adjustments to your ugrid writer/converter? I am not sure if this issue is the most convenient way to communicate this, but it might be a start.