schlagmichdoch / PairDrop

PairDrop: Local file sharing in your browser. Inspired by Apple's AirDrop. Fork of Snapdrop.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.67k stars 194 forks source link

[Enhancement] Make AddOn Snapdrop for Firefox compatible with PairDrop #232

Open ueen opened 6 months ago

ueen commented 6 months ago

Hey, I'd like to update my snapdrop webaddon to default to pairdrop bc snapdrop is just to unreliable and pairdrop has made great strides in UI/UX but it also got quite complicated.

Question just is, how would you like it to work, i once envisioned to have it run in background so recieving is always possible, but that might be overkill? (also would require to incorperate your code in the adddon - LICENSE?)

What i would like to do is add the current tab url automatically in th text field, how may i do that?

Everything else should be pretty straight forward :)

here is the current version

I realized this should've been a discussion, but i'm not familiar with them yet, sorry

ueen commented 5 months ago

Thank you very much, I would do a new add-on called Pairdrop Webextension and deprecate the existing one or rather let I work but not update.

Here it is, new and shiny: PairdropWebExtension

Thank you for the Info's, I'll check and hope I can ask back here if I'm stuck?

not sure when I'll find time to work on this. the basic thing should only take 1-2 hours, but background service is kinda complicated and I think doesn't even work right now for Snapdrop - so that would take some dedicated work.

ueen commented 5 months ago

do you have a updated logo that i could use in the addon? :)

alpha soon available here

schlagmichdoch commented 5 months ago

Thank you for the Info's, I'll check and hope I can ask back here if I'm stuck?

Sure thing, ask whenever you need help. The main.js is the starting point for the code, but if you just want to show a running version, you can point to index.html as before and everything should run.

do you have a updated logo that i could use in the addon? :)

You can use the main blue logo in the public/images folder if it will be cropped by the store or use the cropped version

schlagmichdoch commented 2 months ago

The following comments were deleted by GitHub (via hubot) as part of mistakenly marking this account as spam on 17th February 2024. The correct thread order and the creation date is unclear. I decided to manually restore them anyway in order to complete the information this issue holds even though the restored information might be outdated:

Comment by @schlagmichdoch:

Hey, I'd like to update my snapdrop webaddon to default to pairdrop bc snapdrop is just to unreliable and pairdrop has made great strides in UI/UX but it also got quite complicated.

Sounds good. This would require renaming the extension or adding labels to the entry in the Firefox AddOn Store so users are able to find it.

Question just is, how would you like it to work, i once envisioned to have it run in background so recieving is always possible, but that might be overkill?

Why would that be overkill? I think that's one of the main features the extension could fullfill:

  1. Running in background to be able to receive always
  2. Quickly sending the current URL
  3. Quickly sending a file/message

also would require to incorperate your code in the adddon - LICENSE?)

It's the same License as the License of Snapdrop (that's needed).

Also, with this license you can use the code however you want as long as everything stays FOSS (free opensource software).

See the license itself and this explanation on another issue:

What i would like to do is add the current tab url automatically in th text field, how may i do that?

I would not do that. Rather, I would add a shortcut / context menu entry / button to send the URL via the Share Target API that uses PairDrops share mode. It's enough to add it as a URL argument:

but it also got quite complicated

What do you mean? The biggest change is probably that everything is modularized. Apart from that you still find everything you need client wise here:

With main.js as entry point