schlosrat / token-health

FoundryVTT module
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Interaction With Checkboxes #83

Open jacobwojoski opened 1 year ago

jacobwojoski commented 1 year ago

Running this mod prevents input checkboxes on a custom form from displaying properly.

Unclear as to why.

Made a blank from with only checkboxes. In getdata Fn for form, checkbox values are all set to true

render of form has check boxes as empty

jacobwojoski commented 1 year ago

image Hooks.on('createChatMessage', handleChatMsgHook); Is what called the above code

image image

jacobwojoski commented 1 year ago

issue was with override of isChecked handlebars fn. Guessing your module had handlebars fn with same name. Updating the handlebars fn name to include module_name fixed issue.

Recommend doing the same to your handlebars fn to avoid issues with other modules