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ROS communication errors when executing "" #12

Open ChrisTimperley opened 7 years ago

ChrisTimperley commented 7 years ago

The following (terminal) error was encountered when (the equivalent of) was run on Docker.

WARNING: (<class 'ply.yacc.VersionError'>, VersionError('yacc table file version is out of date',), <traceback object at 0x7f0ccf213f80>)
Generating LALR tables
Error [Connection.hh:264] Header is empty
Error [] Master got empty data message from[38120]
Error [Connection.hh:264] Header is empty
Error [] Master got empty data message from[38120]
Error [Connection.hh:264] Header is empty
Error [] Master got empty data message from[38120]
Exception [] Can't serialize message of type[gazebo.m...

After closing and restarting the container, the following, correct behaviour is observed (matching the behaviour of Vagrant).

WARNING: (<class 'ply.yacc.VersionError'>, VersionError('yacc table file version is out of date',), <traceback object at 0x7f2646e5f3f8>)
Generating LALR tables
/home/vagrant/catkin_ws/src/euler_orientation_convertor/euler_orientation/src/ SyntaxWarning: The publisher should be created with an explicit keyword argument 'queue_size'. Please see for more information.
  publish = rospy.Publisher("euler_orientation", euler, queue_size=None)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1480448292.693694] [9626.260000] Euler orientation convertor is running
[ INFO] [1480448292.731909521, 9626.269000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.

Whilst this may be an artefact of the Docker configuration, I thought it best to report the bug here as well, given its non-deterministic behaviour.

schmerl commented 7 years ago

Yeah, this is one of the symptoms of gazebo not starting up properly. It seems to recover, but I noticed the other day that it may not report to topics properly in this case.

ivoysey commented 7 years ago

I haven't seen the Error [Connection.hh:264] Header is empty stuff in a long time, so whatever that was we maybe fixed it?

The yacc stuff I find hilarious. It's a known thing, but not in the context. The more important question is: what the heck is running yacc to generate LALR tables dynamically at gazebo launch time?