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vagrant error message: re-open stdin #13

Open ivoysey opened 7 years ago

ivoysey commented 7 years ago

the message

==> default: dpkg-preconfigure: unable to re-open stdin: No such file or directory

gets printed several times every time you vagrant up. it's because different apt related things are assuming they're at a real interactive terminal but they aren't. per, the fix is to include

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

somewhere but I don't understand how. Setting environment variables inside the host is tricky and doesn't (always?) percolate through a sudo because that effectively starts a new shell. This may be the big-hammer solution to it, where the small hammer is to prefix every single apt-line in the Vagrantfile with that export. I'm not sure.

This doesn't seem to be hurting anything that I can observe; I'm just trying to make Vagrant load more cleanly overall.

ivoysey commented 7 years ago