schmich / marinara

Pomodoro® time management assistant for Chrome
MIT License
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Block websites during focus sessions #32

Open schmich opened 7 years ago

schmich commented 7 years ago

Users should be able to block themselves from accessing specified websites during focus sessions.

From Justin on CWS:

Missing an important feature: blocking some websites while on a work stretch. Other tools have this. Uninstalled this.

From Delia on CWS:

How do I choose which pages to block

From Oliver on CWS:

Very useful, it could only improve if it allowed to block pages that distract like Facebook or Youtube.

From Abu on CWS:

Give the option the block selected websites of your choice. I'd also like a strict mode setting where you cannot change any of the settings until you complete a cycle.

From 하승봉 on CWS:

I would like to have a feature that automatically restricts the use of Chrome during the focus time

From HadikCZE on CWS:

Are you planning allow block all given sites while pomodor run and unblock in break ? It should boost focus mod, I now must combinate multiple extension, like Block & Focus

From Bryan on Twitter:

Just wanted to suggest an implementation of a website-blocking feature during the 25m sessions for future releases!

From Jaafer on CWS:

5 stars after blocked websites are added.

From CWS (translated):

It is good but it can be improved by implementing the blocking of sites

From Elton on CWS (translated):

I liked the plugin interface, but it would be better if you did something to block the sites, like other pomodoros that have around here ... It would be perfect.

From kuqadk3 in #189:

Hope you guys will add black-list site block so that user can import their list of sites they want to block when on pomodoro like :facebook,youtube,etc...

From tutitran in #189:

i actually think it's incredibly useful. the whole point of having a pomodoro is to block out distractions. if a user sees a reminder that these websites are blocked, they would go back to their websites.

From eric13500 in #269:

The "Tomato Timer" Google extension allows the blocking of disruptive sites during work periods (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) by listing them separated by commas (, This option is very useful, and it would be very interesting that Marinara proposes it too.

Implementation notes:

freetitelu commented 7 years ago

There are too many nuances. And in the end I removed Pomodoro-app and still looked for the cats and boobs. It is a delusion that some chrome-app can save from procrastination. I think your Pomodoro is so perfect for your tasks - just remind when it's time to rest. PS: People who want "a blocking some websites", just need to spend time adjusting it - for another 5 minutes procrastination. I know all about this (perhaps this feature is only for the coverage of this contingent of users. And here is only one way - to turn off the Internet within a radius of several thousand kilometers, so that the rest of the indignant users come and beat you for violation of the block). And sorry for my english.

schmich commented 7 years ago

I agree with you, which is why I'm torn on this feature. Personally, I'd rather train and build willpower/discipline/self-control/determination instead of relying on a browser extension. On the other hand, people are imperfect, and maybe this helps them just enough to build better habits. It's hard to say.

Francesco Cirillo, the creator of the Pomodoro Technique, encourages a physical approach to his technique, so I can imagine he would disapprove of using software at all. Yet here we are, and I know this extension helps a lot of people be productive day-to-day.

I have my opinion on blocking websites, and I'd rather not bloat the extension, but ultimately, I listen to users. If the demand is strong enough, I will add it. For now, though, it is in the "Future" bucket.

Thanks for the feedback.

hongbo-miao commented 5 years ago

Some block functions like this Focus Mode might be helpful.