schmidtfederico / apscheduler-ui

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Unsupported version of the Socket.IO or Engine.IO protocols #7

Open rizclive opened 1 year ago

rizclive commented 1 year ago

Hi @schmidtfederico

I have installed this with APScheduler, everythng seems woring except the UI version is outdated, you have been using older version of angularjs-socket-io in this project, would you be able to upgrade to latest? latest version of Flask-SocketIO 5.3.3 is currently installed.

I really like this ui but unfortunatly I cannot use this due to socker io version issue with client.

Console output: The client is using an unsupported version of the Socket.IO or Engine.IO protocols (further occurrences of this error will be logged with level INFO)



schmidtfederico commented 1 year ago

Hi @rizclive !

Bumping the version on the frontend would also require bumping it in the backend. Doing so would probably require me to bump other Python packages' versions, which could end up breaking something else.

Unfortunately, I currently have no time to dedicate to this project. If you feel like this is something you could do, feel free to send me a pull request with the proposed changes and I'll see if I can merge it.