schmittjoh / JMSI18nRoutingBundle

Allows you to internationalize your routing
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One locale to multiple hosts #167

Open andrzejdziekonski opened 8 years ago

andrzejdziekonski commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to have application working with multiple domains for one locale? I mean:

    default_locale: en
    locales: [en, de]
    strategy: custom
        en: [,]
    redirect_to_host: false

I need my application to run for two smiliar in code but different content websites. They are in same language, use same image uploads and the same database so i want them to work in one application. Is it possible with this bundle? Of course not by default, but has anybody found solution?

jkabat commented 8 years ago

Are you able to use different parameters.yml files for each site? That would solve your problem I guess.

tecnocat commented 8 years ago

May be need support for default locale for each domain too, for example: -> default locale: fr -> default locale: fr -> default locale: en

Only one default locale for all domains is not possible, each domain have their own default locale

.be -> fr
.cat -> ca
.com -> en
.es -> es
.fr -> fr
.it -> it
.pt -> pt

Many parameters per machine/domain/site is not a solution...

picks44 commented 8 years ago

I would also need something like this, so I can have several hosts in dev mode (one for local, and one for preprod server for instance). Any solution like an array or something ?

andrzejdziekonski commented 8 years ago

Hi @picks44,

i managed that by using 'fake' locales e.i. 'en1', 'en2', 'en3' so i have one host to one locale as the bundle needs. Then i wrote some event listener that overwrites those fakes to proper one. Kinda tricky but didnt find any better solution for this one.

picks44 commented 8 years ago

OK I see, I had something similar at first when i was working with prefixes. I'll try it thanks.

GWillmann commented 8 years ago

@andrzejdziekonski or @picks44 could you guys give a detailed example on how to achieve this please? I would like my root domain (/) to have the same content as /en

tecnocat commented 8 years ago

We solve this with BeSimpleI18nRoutingBundle and works fine, our config:

# @ParclickWebsiteBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@ParclickWebsiteBundle/Resources/config/"
    host:     ""
        _locale: de_BE|fr_BE
    type: be_simple_i18n
    resource: "@ParclickWebsiteBundle/Resources/config/"
    host:     ""
        _locale: ca_ES
    type: be_simple_i18n
    resource: "@ParclickWebsiteBundle/Resources/config/"
    host:     ""
        _locale: en_GB
    type: be_simple_i18n

# etc...


# @ParclickWebsiteBundle/Resources/config/
    locales:  { fr_BE: "/", de_BE: "/de/" }
    defaults: { _controller: ParclickWebsiteBundle:Home:index }
    methods:  [GET]

    locales:  { fr_BE: "/search", de_BE: "/de/search" }
    defaults: { _controller: ParclickWebsiteBundle:Search:index }
    methods:  [GET]

    locales:  { fr_BE: "/parking-{city}", de_BE: "/de/parking-{city}" }
    defaults: { _controller: ParclickWebsiteBundle:City:index }
    methods:  [GET]

# etc...

And we use each domain only for their locales configured.

You can copy same locales between domains.

NOTE 1: The locale prefix is NEVER used in our generated URLs, is only used for building URLs, for example if we need to build a URL with internal locale "de_BE" we not put the locale as prefix in the URL, we fake a more apropiate prefix (/en/) to the URL and works fine.

For -> locale fr_BE (French): url /parking-123
For -> locale de_BE (Deutch): url /de/parkeren-123

One application, one config, one parameters, all domains.

Hope this help someone.

GWillmann commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the answer @tecnocat ! I will try your solution.

picks44 commented 8 years ago

Still no other other simpler solution ?

picks44 commented 5 years ago

Up :)

crabnky commented 4 years ago
