schmittjoh / JMSJobQueueBundle

Run and Schedule Symfony Console Commands as Background Jobs
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Can't figure out how to have queue slots always available for high priority jobs, possible? #179

Closed modstore closed 6 years ago

modstore commented 6 years ago
        max_concurrent_jobs: 8

            max_concurrent_jobs: 4
            max_concurrent_jobs: 4

I am wanting to have 4 slots always being used for standard processing and have 4 extra slots always available to start processing high priority items when they become available.

What happens though, is when high priority jobs are added to "high_priority" queue, 4 of those jobs start processing and the "default" queue jobs stop until the others finish.

Is it possible to have the setup I'm looking for?

Thanks heaps for the great bundle. :)

schmittjoh commented 6 years ago

Make sure to set max-concurrent-jobs option when starting the RunCommand.