schmittjoh / JMSJobQueueBundle

Run and Schedule Symfony Console Commands as Background Jobs
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Webinterface details.html.twig does not pass required parameter "style" to @Twig/Exception/trace.html.twig #247

Open didulis opened 4 years ago

didulis commented 4 years ago

jms/job-queue-bundle: 2.0.1 symfony/framework-bundle: 4.3.3 symfony/twig-bundle: 4.3.3

In webinterface when opening Failed job, Symfony throws exception Variable "style" does not exist. As I traced down, this parameter style was introduced in twig-bundle 4.1

jseparovic1 commented 4 years ago

@didulis same issue. Have you find a way around it, or just override template?

jms/job-queue-bundle 2.1.0 symfony/framework-bundle v4.4.7 symfony/twig-bundle v4.4.7 twig/twig v1.42.5

It does work in prod environment tought.

maeyan-zero commented 4 years ago

@schmittjoh I have created a pull request for for this issue