schmittjoh / JMSJobQueueBundle

Run and Schedule Symfony Console Commands as Background Jobs
334 stars 254 forks source link

Thank you for this bundle! #264

Open cklm opened 1 year ago

cklm commented 1 year ago

Hello, not sure, if @schmittjoh reads this, but I wanted to say thank you for this bundle! It served us well for the last five years and processed 5,951,389 jobs in that period. We now moved on to our own job-queue implementation which is inspired by this bundle. I still like the approach (running symfony-commands as job) very much and prefer it over solutions like the symfony message queue. So thanks again - we will now do the final composer remove jms/job-queue-bundle.

stefandoorn commented 1 year ago

@cklm is this something you might open source? :-)

cklm commented 1 year ago

@cklm is this something you might open source? :-)

We will think about that. As of now, that is part of a bigger own bundle we are using as foundation for most of our projects.