schmittjoh / JMSJobQueueBundle

Run and Schedule Symfony Console Commands as Background Jobs
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Issue Purging DB W/Doctrine Fixtures #66

Open bassrock opened 10 years ago

bassrock commented 10 years ago

So I am using doctrine fixtures to pre-load my database with data and it seems that doctrine fixtures has trouble clearing the jms_jobs tables when there are relations.

Is it possible that it is the way the relations are setup in the JMS Bundle?

purging database

  An exception occurred while executing 'DELETE FROM jms_jobs':                                                                                                                             

  SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (``.`jms_job_related_entities`, CONSTRAINT `FK_E956F4E  
  2BE04EA9` FOREIGN KEY (`job_id`) REFERENCES `jms_jobs` (`id`))     
digifish commented 10 years ago

I ran into the same issue with running a unit test and loading Doctrine fixtures. I created a little hack to disable foreign key checks with mysql

$this->em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$stmt = $this->em->getConnection()->prepare("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0");