schmittjoh / JMSSerializerBundle

Easily serialize, and deserialize data of any complexity (supports XML, JSON, YAML)
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After updating XmlList stop working #548

Closed h3llr4iser closed 7 years ago

h3llr4iser commented 7 years ago

After updating in composer, the annotation XmlList stop deserializing:

Updating dependencies (including require-dev)

 * @JMS\SerializedName("lines")
 * @JMS\Type("array<AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtLine>")
 * @JMS\XmlList(inline = false, entry = "line")
private $gtLines;
GtAuthRequest {#1364 ▼
  -gtLines: []
goetas commented 7 years ago

are you sure? see

goetas commented 7 years ago

Can you tell me how is your root xml node? are you using namespaces?

h3llr4iser commented 7 years ago

If I go back to jms/serializer 1.4.2 and jms/serializer-bundle 1.1.0 works.

namespace AppBundle\Entity\WebService;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="gt_auth_request")
 * @XmlRoot("AuthRequest")
class GtAuthRequest
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
     * @JMS\Exclude()
    private $id;

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
     * @JMS\SerializedName("action")
     * @JMS\XmlElement(false)
    private $action;

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
     * @JMS\SerializedName("license")
     * @JMS\XmlElement(false)
    private $license;

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
     * @JMS\SerializedName("vin")
     * @JMS\XmlElement(false)
    private $vin;

     * @ORM\OneToOne(
     *     targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtInterventionType",
     *     mappedBy="gtAuthRequest",
     *     cascade={"persist","remove"}
     * )
     * @JMS\Type("AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtInterventionType")
     * @JMS\SerializedName("interventionType")
    private $gtInterventionType;

     * @ORM\OneToOne(
     *     targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtHeader",
     *     mappedBy="gtAuthRequest",
     *     cascade={"persist","remove"}
     * )
     * @JMS\Type("AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtHeader")
     * @JMS\Accessor(setter="setGtHeader")
     * @JMS\SerializedName("header")
    private $gtHeader;

     * @ORM\OneToOne(
     *     targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtAuthResponse",
     *     mappedBy="gtAuthRequest",
     *     cascade={"persist","remove"}
     * )
    private $gtAuthResponse;

     * @ORM\OneToMany(
     *     targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtLine",
     *     mappedBy="gtAuthRequest",
     *     cascade={"remove","persist"}
     * )
     * @JMS\SerializedName("lines")
     * @JMS\Type("ArrayCollection<AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtLine>")
     * @JMS\XmlList(inline = false, entry = "line")
    private $gtLines;

     * @ORM\OneToMany(
     *     targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtTyreChange",
     *     mappedBy="gtAuthRequest",
     *     cascade={"persist","remove"}
     * )
     * @JMS\SerializedName("tyreChangeList")
     * @JMS\Type("array<AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtTyreChange>")
     * @JMS\XmlList(inline = false, entry = "tyreChange")
    private $gtTyresChange;

     * @ORM\OneToMany(
     *     targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtComm",
     *     mappedBy="gtAuthRequest",
     *     cascade={"persist","remove"}
     * )
     * @JMS\SerializedName("commList")
     * @JMS\Type("array<AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtComm>")
     * @JMS\XmlList(inline = false, entry = "communication")
    private $gtComms;

     * @ORM\OneToMany(
     *     targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtNote",
     *     mappedBy="gtAuthRequest",
     *     cascade={"persist","remove"}
     * )
     * @JMS\SerializedName("noteList")
     * @JMS\Type("array<AppBundle\Entity\WebService\GtNote>")
     * @JMS\XmlList(inline = false, entry = "note")
    private $gtNotes;

namespace AppBundle\Entity\WebService;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping AS ORM;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation as JMS;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="gt_line")
class GtLine
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
     * @JMS\Exclude()
    private $id;

     * @ORM\Column(type="integer", nullable=true)
     * @JMS\SerializedName("type")
     * @JMS\XmlElement(false)
    private $type;

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
     * @JMS\SerializedName("code")
     * @JMS\XmlElement(false)
    private $code;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
            <description>Filtro antipolen - MOTRIO - Nueva</description>
            <description>Arandela tapón cárter aceite</description>
            <description>Filtro aceite - MOTRIO - Nueva</description>
            <description>Aceite motor - 05W40 REPSOL - Nueva</description>
            <description>Luna parabrisas</description>


GtAuthRequest {#4030 ▼
  -id: null
  -action: "U"
  -license: "xxxxxxxx"
  -vin: "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  -gtInterventionType: GtInterventionType {#4054 ▶}
  -gtHeader: GtHeader {#4192 ▼
    -id: null
    -authorizationID: "523384"
    -entityCode: "xxxxxxxxxxx"
    -status: "A"
    -expedientNo: "000210"
    -authorizationNumber: null
    -authorizationDate: null
    -vehicleEntryDate: DateTime {#4202 ▶}
    -license: "xxxxxxxxxx"
    -observation: ""
    -operationDate: null
    -orderNo: ""
    -orderDate: null
    -occurrenceDate: null
    -expectedRepairEndDate: DateTime {#4204 ▶}
    -repairEndDate: null
    -vehicleExitDate: null
    -contactPhone: null
    -actualVehicleKM: 345
    -amountRequested: null
    -extension: false
    -axleType: null
    -tyreRunflat: false
    -report: null
    -failedRulesNumber: 0
    -gtAuthRequest: null
    -gtUser: GtUser {#4224 ▶}
    -gtUserRole: GtUserRole {#4246 ▶}
    -gtDriver: GtDriver {#4276 ▶}
    -gtRepairShop: GtRepairShop {#4310 ▶}
    -gtInvoice: GtInvoice {#4368 ▶}
    -gtAxleList: []
    -gtTyreDOTList: []
  -gtAuthResponse: null
  -gtLines: ArrayCollection {#4372 ▼
    -elements: []
  -gtTyresChange: []
  -gtComms: []
  -gtNotes: []
goetas commented 7 years ago

which php version are you using?

h3llr4iser commented 7 years ago

PHP 5.6.25

goetas commented 7 years ago might have changed the behavior of the deserializer, but i'm not able to reproduce the error you are reporting...

do you have some other layers before the deserialization process starts? is the XML you posted complete? is this a unit test?

goetas commented 7 years ago

unless you find a way to isolate the failure, it will be hard for me to help you and will have to close the ticket as "can not reproduce"... :cry:

h3llr4iser commented 7 years ago

I have found the problem: "<AuthRequest xmlns="http://www.xxxxxx.xx>" If I quit "xmlns="http://www.xxxxxx.xx" works.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<AuthRequest xmlns="http://www.xxxxxx.xx>
            <description>Filtro antipolen - MOTRIO - Nueva</description>
goetas commented 7 years ago
<AuthRequest xmlns="http://www.xxxxxx.xx">

Means that ALL your elements are in the http://www.xxxxxx.xx.

This means that all your elements should have the @XmlElement(namespace="http://www.xxxxxx.xx") and @XMLList(namespace="http://www.xxxxxx.xx") declarations.

h3llr4iser commented 7 years ago

Thx for your help, I have solved it adding the namespace.

goetas commented 7 years ago

for me works also adding the root namespace on the "AuthRequest" class , see