schmittjoh / serializer

Library for (de-)serializing data of any complexity (supports JSON, and XML)
MIT License
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Dynamic entry_name based on type of child property #1476

Open svenhaack opened 1 year ago

svenhaack commented 1 year ago

Hello Johnannes,

first of all I wanted to thank you personally for the serializer. We are using it successfully in 2 projects and really love it.

Currently I am facing a problem and hope to get help here in the group.

I have a user object in which I have stored favourite dishes of the users as a list.

An example:

<user firstname="John" lastname="Doe">
      <pizza name="Pizza Hawaii" />
      <pasta name="Lasagne" /> 

I need the favorite foods in a flat list now though, so in this case:

    <pizza name="Pizza Hawaii" />
    <pasta name="Lasagne" /> 

For this I implemented a getItems() method in my Favourites object instead of getPizzas()and getPastas(), which returns me dishes of type "Pizza" or "Pasta".

Now how can I implement that I can set the entry_name in the list depending on the child object.

My Favourites specification looked like this before:

  expose: true
    getter: getPizzas
    entry_name: pizza
  expose: true
    getter: getPastas
    entry_name: pasta

The new specification now looks like this:

  expose: true
  getter: getItems
    entry_name: <pizza or pasta based on the type>

Pizza and Pasta object now has a "type" property storing "pizza" and "pasta", I did already exclude it in the child types because the structure here is given and it cannot be added as a new attribute type.

How can this be achieved?

Thanks for your help!

Best regards, Sven

scyzoryck commented 1 year ago

Hi @svenhaack !

I think inline option under xml_list will help you to achieve your goal.

See: yml_reference.rst

Best, scyzoryck.