schmorrison / Zoho

Golang API for Zoho services
MIT License
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API to send email to user inbox similar to sendgrid #46

Open Rizary opened 2 years ago

Rizary commented 2 years ago

Hi, is it possible to do this with zoho? is it implemented in this library? I'm willing to contribute to the library for this particular feature because we need this for our backend.

schmorrison commented 2 years ago

Sorry for delay in responding. I never got a notification..

Looking into it, it seems like Zoho Mail has an API and offers the following endpoints that may be useful for your issue: send an email and send email with attachment

It seems like Zoho Mail does follow OAuth2 so you should be able to basically copy an existing sub-package in this library and start implementing endpoints.

Let me know if you need any advice. :)