schmurtzm / Onion-Desktop-Tools

A software to install and configure Onion OS for Miyoo Mini
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issue with Stock SD card migrate option #6

Open PhyrexTechs opened 3 months ago

PhyrexTechs commented 3 months ago

Was working on making a YouTube video for this tool but ran into an issue with the Migrate option.

When trying the option to "Migrate stock SD card to a new SD card with Onion" It will not let me do the backup of the SD card. I get this instead


This is the info from the console.

Selected option in 'Install or Update Onion': System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton, Checked: True.text
Title: Select stock SD card
Drive Number: 7
Drive Size: 58.9GiB
Drive Description: Generic STORAGE DEVICE
Drive Letter: K
Disk Number: 7
Disk Letter: K
Disk Number: 7
Disk Letter: K
Selected Tag: 7,K
     --- (unknown version)
  Local backup folder : C:\Onion-Desktop-Tools-0.0.9\backups\2024-03-25 11.56.15__(unknown version)
**************************************=-=-=-= C:\Onion-Desktop-Tools-0.0.9\backups\2024-03-25 11.56.15__(unknown version)
Form result : OK
Join-Path : Cannot find drive. A drive with the name '-Drive_Number' does not exist.
At C:\Onion-Desktop-Tools-0.0.9\Onion_Save_Backup.ps1:284 char:23
+ ...     $RomsSource = Join-Path -Path ${Drive_Letter}:\ -ChildPath 'Roms'
+                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (-Drive_Number:String) [Join-Path], DriveNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DriveNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.JoinPathCommand

Looks like It is trying to use "-Drive_Number" instead of the actual driver number. I tried another stock SD card same issue. When trying to just use the backup tool and not the migrate tool it lets me back up without issue.

alexparvus1 commented 3 months ago

I have the same issue. Tried to run application "Run as administrator" but have the same behaviour. Tried even with fresh created SD card with latest OnionOS v4.3.0 - the same problem - checkboxes are greyed out and backupping wasn't start.

Upd: The same issue with version 0.0.8

Sciamano72 commented 3 months ago

Same exact behaviour here.

AnthRD-retro commented 3 days ago

Me too