schneebergerlab / syri

Synteny and Rearrangement Identifier
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The question with "Unequal number of chromosomes in the genomes" error #168

Closed fengzt0629 closed 1 year ago

fengzt0629 commented 1 year ago

Hello syri developer: I used SyRI for two-genome comparison. But when I run the SyRI, there is an error with it:

syri -c -d -r mainChr_hg38_UCSC.fa -q HG00421_chroder.fa.qry.fasta

Then, I tried to delete the inconsistent chromosomes, leaving only the chromosomes shared by the two genomes,and sorted them, but it still made the same error. After that, I add the --no-chrmatch parameter to try to run syri again. At this time, the error is described as:

But after checking, chr18,chr22.chrX,chr17,chr19,chrY,chr21,chr20, these chromosomes are truly contained in our two genomes.

Could you help me figure out it ? Thanks, Feng

mnshgl0110 commented 1 year ago

Hi Feng,

If these chromosomes are indeed present and have homologous alignments then, this error should not happen. Have you checked whether there are directed alignments between the homologous genomes? Maybe you can try to first find homologous chromosomes and also to check how the genomes are aligned (using the dotplot tool).