schneidermanuel / TwitchLeecher-Dx

Twitch Leecher DX - The Broadcast Downloader
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Download buttons don't respond #25

Open donderden opened 2 months ago

donderden commented 2 months ago

Description ①The VOD download button that came up in Channnel Name Search don't respond. Download will not start. ②The names of channels registered in Favorite Channels are invisible with white background and white letters.It becomes visible by mouse over.

Information No log file -Operating System Windows7 SP1 64Bit .NET Runtime 6.0.27 (x64) .NET SDK 6.0.421 (x64) TwitchLeecher-Dx ver3.5.6

Additional information that might be useful I'm afraid this is a difficult problem. Please let me know if any programs are missing. Thank you. SnapCrab_Twitch Leecher DX 356_2024-5-4_1-1-53_No-00 SnapCrab_Twitch Leecher DX 356_2024-5-4_1-0-49_No-00

schneidermanuel commented 2 months ago

The second problem only occurs when you system is set to light mode. A fix is already implemented, but not published. The first problem might be something with Windows7, I never tested it on it.

schneidermanuel commented 2 months ago

Have you tried setting Download and Temporary Folder in the Settings to something different than what you got there? Is it wotking when both are set to a "simple" path like H:\Test ?

donderden commented 2 months ago

I've changed the settings for both folders to the root of the H drive, to a simple path (H:), but the trouble is still the same. Thanks for the reply.

schneidermanuel commented 2 months ago

Might you provide me with the channel name used in your search?

donderden commented 2 months ago

I get the same trouble no matter what channel I search. Here are some of the channels I have tried.

schneidermanuel commented 1 month ago

I am afraid I am unable to reproduce this. With the newest version, are you able to cklick the thumbnail and open the video? It might be Windows 7 related, I wasn't really able to test it there

donderden commented 1 month ago

Yes. In the latest version 3.6.0, I can click the thumbnail and open the video in browser. But when I press the download button, it does not respond. I have recorded the video ,please watch it. The channel searching for in the video is The installation location and settings are defaults.(C:\Program Files (x86)\TwitchLeecher-Dx) Thanks for the reply.