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Git Reports is a free service that lets you set up a stable URL for anonymous users to submit bugs and other Issues to your GitHub repositories.
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Spam reporting #128

Open Sophist-UK opened 6 years ago

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

Sooner or later, someone is going to use GitReports to generate spam. Whilst the CAPTCHA helps, it won't stop it. So we will need some better anti-spam functionality. A few ideas:

  1. Allow repo owners to report spam issues and use these to ban the IP address.

  2. Keep a track of IP addresses creating issues and ban those sending multiple issues within a short timescale as spammers.

  3. Watch for people trying GitReports against repos that are not registered with GitReports, and ban those who do this multiple times (once or twice is OK, but spammers will try hundreds).

CareyJWilliams commented 6 years ago

Definitely my biggest concern. What would people think to having an (optional) buffer that stored reports, but didn't submit them to Github until approved from a gitreports dashboard?

schneidmaster commented 6 years ago

I'd be happy to review a PR implementing that. It would need to be opt-in though, since it adds an extra step that existing users may not want.

Maikuolan commented 6 years ago


If these features are implemented, when it happens, could someone mention it here? Cheers.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

What would people think to having an (optional) buffer that stored reports, but didn't submit them to Github until approved from a gitreports dashboard?

I don't like this idea at all - it just adds another layer of complexity and another set of actions you need to take per report.