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Activation disappears #46

Closed haudiobe closed 9 years ago

haudiobe commented 9 years ago


I use the gitsreport and it a great tool. However, the activation of the repository disappears after 1 week. I do not know the exact time frame, but it is happening frequently. This is unfortunate as it basically makes the tool useless.

Thanks for support


schneidmaster commented 9 years ago

Could you let me know what repository this is happening with so I can investigate further? It has to be something specific to your use case, as the website has had repositories that I know have been active and functional for months. Feel free to email me ( if you don't want to post details publicly.

haudiobe commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Several ones in my repository, examples are:

There are like 6 or 7 on this if you need all details.

thanks again


haudiobe commented 9 years ago

It happened again and maybe it is because I am not the owner of the repository?

haudiobe commented 9 years ago

This is persistently happening! Is there anything that can be done about this?

schneidmaster commented 9 years ago

Still have not been able to isolate a definitive cause for this. I recently pushed a fix that corrected a bug related to collaborator repositories- it's possible that will fix this issue as well. If not, feel free to browse the codebase and submit a PR :)

schneidmaster commented 9 years ago

Closing out this issue for now. Please reopen if the issue recurs or if you have additional details.