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Git Reports is a free service that lets you set up a stable URL for anonymous users to submit bugs and other Issues to your GitHub repositories.
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gitreports api #5

Closed mikedugan closed 10 years ago

mikedugan commented 10 years ago

any chance of an API that takes data pulled from a form on an arbitrary website and zings it up to GitHub issues? PHP version obviously...

schneidmaster commented 10 years ago

You can probably just use the GitHub API for this- any particular reason to duplicate the functionality in Git Reports? Or am I misunderstanding the feature request?

mikedugan commented 10 years ago

potentially, but it's a 50/50 call. Devs/webmasters who aren't familiar with the GH api (or don't have time to learn it) might benefit from a simple 4 field API for quick & simple deployment, although adding in titles or stuff like that would make it just as easy to use the GH api itself.

schneidmaster commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I think I would just point developers at the GH api for the time being. Implementing secure OAuth is a pretty good deal of work, and my API wouldn't be an order of magnitude simpler than the GitHub one- it's not terribly complex as is IMO.