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Git Reports Issue #72

Closed schneidmaster closed 9 years ago

schneidmaster commented 9 years ago

Submitter: Peter Hüfner Email: I have a .gitignore:

ignored clients/clientX/docs

In the folder "ignored" I have a "test.dat" file. In "clients/clientX/docs" I have a "test.jpg" file.

When I do "git stash --include-untracked", while having an untracked file changed outside an ignored folder, my "test.jpg" is also stashed/removed. With "git stash apply" only the untracked file ist returned. My "test.jpg" and the parent folders are gone forever. My "test.dat" in the folder "ignored" is still there and was never stashed, exactly the way I expected.

I also tried the following paths to ignore the "test.jpg", without an effect: /clients/clientX/docs /clients/&docs clients//docs

I am using git in version 2.4.0. Am I making a mistake or is that a bug.