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Translations support #79

Closed ad-m closed 9 years ago

ad-m commented 9 years ago

Is there any translations support for UI? I want to do full translation form into Polish, but I can't find any .po or .mo files.

schneidmaster commented 9 years ago

I have added support for translations for public-facing pages using i18n. For a Polish translation, please duplicate config/locals/en.yml to config/locals/pl.yml, translate the text, and submit a PR.

ad-m commented 9 years ago

Translation still doesn't work.

$ curl '' -H 'Accept-Language: pl,pl_PL,pl-pl' 2>/dev/null | grep 'CAPTCHA'
            <p>Please complete the following CAPTCHA to prove that you&#39;re a human.</p>
schneidmaster commented 8 years ago

Ah, I had to add more code to check the request header. Should work now.

$ curl '' -H 'Accept-Language: pl,pl_PL,pl-pl' 2>/dev/null | grep 'CAPTCHA'
        <p>Proszę przepisać następujący obrazek CAPTCHA, aby potwierdzić, że jesteś człowiekiem.</p>
ad-m commented 8 years ago

Thanks you very much. Everything work perfect in my browser:
