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not paginating github API calls #8

Closed hstove closed 10 years ago

hstove commented 10 years ago

Hey there,

I couldn't add my repository because it wasn't showing up in my profile. I'm assuming this is because you don't paginate your API calls, which seems to be true based off this line. You probably want to recursively paginate through repositories, but in the short term you could probably quickly fix my problem by changing that line from:

client.repos.each do |api_repo|


client.repos(per_page: 100).each do |api_repo|
schneidmaster commented 10 years ago

You're right- this was an oversight on my part. I'll get right on it. Thanks!

schneidmaster commented 10 years ago

I enabled auto-pagination of the repositories, which should fix the issue. Let me know if you still experience problems. (Make sure you logout and re-login so your repositories are resynced.)

hstove commented 10 years ago

I didn't know about auto_paginate, that's awesome!

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On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 5:21 PM, Zach Schneider wrote:

I enabled auto-pagination of the repositories, which should fix the issue. Let me know if you still experience problems. (Make sure you logout and re-login so your repositories are resynced.)

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