schnoog / Joystick_ESP32S2

Joystick library for ESP32 S2 & S3 devices (native USB) for the Arduino framework.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Simultaneous serial and gamepad data #12

Open ChrGri opened 4 months ago

ChrGri commented 4 months ago

Thank you for this awesome project.

I'm using an ESP32 S3 (connected via USB port) and want to send/read additional serial data over the USB port to monitor/debug the ESP.

What seems to work:

What does not work:

Do you have an example script where the additional serial communication is working properly?

BR Chris

ChrGri commented 4 months ago

I wrote a simple test script (see attachment) and it does what I'm expecting: changing the USB gamepad output and printing info to the Arduino serial monitor simultaneously.

My original code has two tasks running on two cores which are accessing the same USB port. Apperently that creates some trouble. I'll continoue the serach for a solution.

schnoog commented 4 months ago

Hi Chris, thanks for your feedback.

In my projects I never used the serial output and both cores at the same time. Thanks for having a look into it. Would appreciate if you could keep me updated.

Cheers Volker

ChrGri commented 4 months ago

Can you confirm that the flash settings are okay? Specifically "CDC on boot enabled" & "USB mode OTG".


The USB cable is connected to the USB OTG port.

BR Christopher

schnoog commented 4 months ago

What I'm seeing on your screenshot looks correct to me. (don't have ArduinoIDE installed at the moment, so assessment based on my memory)

A news delivery of S3 should arrive soon, will start testing once they arrived. My current ones are all wired to my simulator setup.

ChrGri commented 4 months ago

Hi @schnoog,

the current status is, that when serial and HID output are asked at high repetition rate, both outputs stop working. I've addded a testscript below. Feel free to play with the delay.


Edit: I'm using this serial monitor since it allows to en-/disable the RTS/DTR signals manually. As soon as serial is activated via DTR, the HID output stalls. image

BR Chris