schnoog / Joystick_ESP32S2

Joystick library for ESP32 S2 & S3 devices (native USB) for the Arduino framework.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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How to flash onto an ESP32S3 Dev Kit C N8R2 #7

Closed rubdul closed 7 months ago

rubdul commented 8 months ago

Hello I'm having trouble getting this library to work with an esp 32 S3 dev kit C. My unit has two usb type c ports as depicted below. ESP32 S3 Type C amazon My problem is that when I make a sketch in arduino ide and attempt to upload it to the board, the esp32 is still not picked up by my computer as a USB HID device. The best I have managed is getting the be detected by window as something different than the default ESP32-S3 it would show a message saying that Windows does not recognize the USB device. I have tried flashing it with the OTG and the other port with different device settings and tools enabled but haven't had much success. I also performed the enable usb .How would one get this to work for esp32-S3 Dev Kit boards? Which settings and IDE tools would I need to enable. Here is a link to the original board and the protoype sketch.



using namespace std;

// Analog outputs

define pitch 0 // Rx input

define throttle 1 // throttle input

// Button and switches

define button 4

define pos_3_up 5

define pos_3_down 6

define mom_up 7

define mom_down 15

// Joystick_(uint8_t hidReportId = JOYSTICK_DEFAULT_REPORT_ID, uint8_t joystickType = JOYSTICK_TYPE_JOYSTICK, // uint8_t buttonCount = JOYSTICK_DEFAULT_BUTTON_COUNT, uint8_t hatSwitchCount = JOYSTICK_DEFAULT_HATSWITCH_COUNT, // bool includeXAxis = true, bool includeYAxis = true, bool includeZAxis = true, bool includeRxAxis = true, bool // includeRyAxis = true, bool includeRzAxis = true, bool includeRudder = true, bool includeThrottle = true, //bool includeAccelerator = true, bool includeBrake = true, bool includeSteering = true)

// We are going to include the Rx and Ry inputs dfo

Joystick_ Joystick(0x11, JOYSTICK_TYPE_JOYSTICK, 5, 0, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, true, false, false, false ); // create joystick object

const bool initAutoSendState =true;

// set the axis on the joystick side int RxAxis = 0; int throttleAxis = 0;

//declare buttons bool button1State = 0; bool button2State = 0; // 3pos switch bool button3State = 0; // 3 post down bool button4State = 0; // mom down bool button5State = 0; // mom up

void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: // First get the serial boot loader working Serial.begin(115200); // begin serial monitor to see what is going out

// Setup the button pins // pinMode(pitch, INPUT); // collective angle input // pinMode(throttle, INPUT); // twist throttle pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP); // button input pinMode(pos_3_up, INPUT_PULLUP); // 3 position switch pinMode(pos_3_down, INPUT_PULLUP); // 3 position switch pinMode(mom_up, INPUT_PULLUP);// momentary up pinMode(mom_down, INPUT_PULLUP);// momentary down

// begin the joystick // duhhh shame to myself Joystick.begin();

// Setup USB Names USB.PID(0x8211); USB.VID(0x303b); USB.productName("ESP32 S2 Collective"); USB.manufacturerName("My company name"); USB.begin(); // build_flags = // .... // // -DARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT=1 // // // -DUSB_VID=0xF011 // // // -DUSB_PID=0xF011 // -DUSB_PRODUCT="Helicopter Collective" // -DUSB_MANUFACTURER="Espressif Systems"


void loop(){ // lets do the axis inputs

// Axis runtime for pitch and throttle RxAxis = analogRead(pitch); RxAxis = map(RxAxis, 0, 1023, 0, 255); Joystick.setRxAxis(RxAxis);

throttleAxis = analogRead(throttle); // throttleAxis = 1023 -throttleAxis; throttleAxis = map(throttleAxis, 0, 1023, 0, 255); // I reversed the axis Joystick.setThrottle(throttleAxis); Serial.print("throttle setting: "); Serial.print(analogRead(throttleAxis));

// now include the digital buttons // NOTE: no pullup resistors used yet

// normal switch button code bool currentButton1State = !digitalRead(button); if( currentButton1State != button1State){ Joystick.setButton(0, currentButton1State); // update joystick button0 button1State = currentButton1State; // update the button variable } Serial.print(", ButtonState: "); Serial.print(currentButton1State);

// 3position switch code bool currentButton2State = !digitalRead(pos_3_up); if( currentButton2State != button2State){ Joystick.setButton(1,currentButton2State); button2State = currentButton2State; } Serial.print(", 3 position UP state:"); Serial.print(currentButton2State);

bool currentButton3State = !digitalRead(pos_3_down); if (currentButton3State != button3State) {
Joystick.setButton(2, currentButton3State); button3State = currentButton3State; } Serial.print(digitalRead(pos_3_down));

// momentary switch code bool currentButton4State = !digitalRead(mom_up); if (currentButton4State != button4State) { Joystick.setButton(3, currentButton4State); button4State = currentButton4State; } Serial.print(", Momentary UP state:"); Serial.print(currentButton4State);

bool currentButton5State = !digitalRead(mom_down); if (currentButton5State != button5State) { Joystick.setButton(4, currentButton5State); button5State = currentButton5State; } Serial.print(", Momentary Down state:"); Serial.print(currentButton5State); Serial.println(); // Debounce time to prevent flooding the USB input delay(10); // in milliseconds


schnoog commented 8 months ago

Hi and happy new year.

The Lolin S3 I use also come with 2 USB ports. The USB&OTG one is the one directly hooked up to the ESP chip and which is able to be defined. So be sure to use that one since the HID device will only be available at this port.

I have seen some really strange behaviors with the USB, if you connect it and open the Windows USB-Game-controls ( [Windows-Button] + tying in USB should show it as one of the first results (depending on your language settings), is the joystick visible in it.

I copied your code into the Arduino IDE, used the following settings and compiled it.


After flashing it on the ESP32S3 and unplugging it (not only reset) and reattaching it, I see the following device in the Windows USB game controller settings


Remark: By setting USB CDC on Boot to "Disabled" you have to bring the ESP into flash mode by yourself to upload a new sketch (keep the boot button pressed, press the Reset key, release it and after a second release the boot button too).

rubdul commented 8 months ago

Happy New Year. Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm still getting the windows error even with these settings. Are you flashing as the ESP32S3 Dev Module or as the ESP-32-S3-USB-OTG?

schnoog commented 8 months ago

I'm only using the USB-OTG port for such things.
Hi, USB stack is a holy mess. Windows tries to remember devices which makes the thing even more tricky.

Just checked 2 other projects which are working at my nephews computer. For both I initiated the joystick with Joystick Joystick(0x03 while your code uses Joystick Joystick(0x11

No idea if that's the problem, but please give it a try.

rubdul commented 7 months ago

I tried that but it didn't work. Then I decided to re-enable erase all flash before sketch upload, and reuse the uart usb port for flash. A little more fiddling later and it worked. Thank you so much friend I am blessed to be able to talk to people like you in this community.