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Distinguish types of blog posts on `blog` #1045

Open jeremyboggs opened 1 month ago

jeremyboggs commented 1 month ago

The blog listing has multiple types (essay, announcement, update), each currently with a different layout and structure.

amandavisconti commented 1 month ago

I've got #1015 for a /blog visual way to distinguish what type of post something is. Is this for the same thing?

If not and it's for their layout/structure, some info:

category: essay and category: announcement use the same post.html template and /blog page display (announcements don't use tags)

'category: updateuses the update.html template (not linked from homepage "recent activity" list, as there is no important additional info there). 'category: update posts are included in the /blog page lists of posts, but are styled slightly different: Title is: [DATE] update: then hyperlinked [~3 word descriptor, like "staff conference activity"] Instead of excerpt, full 340-character or fewer text displayed (only if in top 4 most recent posts) individual 'category: update` posts display the text, plus if I used YAML to list involved staff adds that (also will appear on the people named's bio page list of "blog posts by or lab updates about"