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Determine links that'll be present in the topnav bar #107

Closed kbdonnally closed 6 years ago

kbdonnally commented 6 years ago


Associated Product Ticket

jeremyboggs commented 6 years ago

@amandavisconti @lam2c @rondauva Let's update the description of this ticket with a list of pages we want to appear in the navbar, in the order we want them appear, so @kbdonnally can update the nav and close this ticket.

amandavisconti commented 6 years ago

1st pass at top-nav dropdowns—NOT final. Shooting for 5? top nav links, but still need to think through how to arrange the other pages.



Scholarship (work? projects? something that captures hunks of activity that aren't just research)




Spatial Technologies

Student Opportunities (disambiguation page, currently titled Graduate Fellowships and Opportunities)

amandavisconti commented 6 years ago

I think I'd like About, Blog, Events, and Scholarship (or whatever we call research/projects/work) in the topnav, but I'm not sure how to arrange the remaining needs into the one remaining top nav slot (or is 6 top nav links okay?)

amandavisconti commented 6 years ago
  1. About
  2. Blog
  3. Scholarship
  4. Events
  5. Pedagogy
  6. Spatial Tech
  7. R&D
  8. Makerspace

  9. About -FAQ (subsection on About page?) -People -Hours & Spaces -Charter -Accessibility -Colophon
  10. Blog
  11. Scholarship -Lab (subsection of scholarship page for new rough ideas) -Publications (???)
  12. Events
  13. Goins' On? Skills? Specialities? What We Do? -Pedagogy -Spatial Tech -R&D -Makerspace
kbdonnally commented 6 years ago

@amandavisconti what should R&D, Pedagogy, and Scholarship link to? Those pages don't exist right now. Or, more specifically, is there a list of links to pages that do exist right now that you'd like to use? We won't be able to make a bunch of new pages before we show it at the staff meeting, but the top nav needs to make sense re. what links people see us displaying prominently. (I hope this made sense.)

amandavisconti commented 6 years ago

yes! how about: research.html for scholarship for pedagogy lab.html for R&D

amandavisconti commented 6 years ago

(updated some stuff that was languishing on an open tab)