schollz / cowyo

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Nested bullet points do not render correctly #148

Open blakeearth opened 5 years ago

blakeearth commented 5 years ago

In the current cowyo version, the following Markdown does not render correctly; it instead displays linearly, i.e. there aren't any indentations for the bullet points.

## Table of Contents
- Spring 2019
  - Computer Networks
    - Classwork
    - Homework
      - Homework Assignment

I am able to resolve this by omitting the following CSS rule in defaults.css:

.markdown-body ul, .markdown-body ol {
    padding-left: 0em;

However, this also affects the header (i.e. with drop-down menus) since they both seem to be affected by the ul selector. Would it be beneficial to separate the Markdown body from this header element?

blakeearth commented 5 years ago

A completely unrelated comment: after seeing rwtxt, I will likely switch to use it. Thanks!