schollz / find

High-precision indoor positioning framework for most wifi-enabled devices.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Get x,y,z Cartesian coordinates? #182

Open NicksonYap opened 6 years ago

NicksonYap commented 6 years ago


I realise the final output is discrete, meaning it only states the room the device is in. But, is it possible to obtain XYZ coordinates based on the RF (random forest) result?


Say, I have a floor plan: image

And the result is room 3, but would it probably give an output saying: Room 3: 70%, Room 1: 10% , Room 2: 10%, Room 4: 10%

Could we use the numbers above and somehow obtain X Y Z coordinates? My concern is that if this is logically accurate, just want to hear some ideas.

Also, if anyone knows any references or repo that already provides X Y Z coordinates based on BSSID (mac) and RSSI, that would be nice :)

schollz commented 6 years ago

I haven't really implemented coordinates yet, but there is a hack to do it:

NicksonYap commented 6 years ago

@schollz was excited to try out but then realise the coordinates are faked with random number... This isn't helpful at all.

Is my proposal above possible? To do in a mathematical way.

Best Regards

schollz commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure I understand. Do you want the coordinate of room 3? Or you want to determine the coordinate within room 3?

NicksonYap commented 6 years ago

Sorry, "fake" is probably a wrong word to use.

I'd like to determine the coordinate within the rooms.

schollz commented 6 years ago

That's okay. "Within" the rooms is probably not possible, or at least very very hard. The RSSI values certainly correlate with distance but the exactly function of distance can vary a lot depending on the strength of the detector and the surrounding environment.

NicksonYap commented 6 years ago

I see, that makes sense since finding source codes for this itself seems pretty hard.

Btw, would it work if I learn the locations within the rooms? Like, segment a room into 4 parts (or more)

To increase accuracy, I can place a number of small battery-powered device (ESP8266) to broadcast it's WiFi beacon in a single room.