schollz / find

High-precision indoor positioning framework for most wifi-enabled devices.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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can't build/compile #199

Closed 9H1LO closed 6 years ago

9H1LO commented 6 years ago

Ubuntu 16 on x86

git clone cd find go get ./...

package context: unrecognized import path "context" Username for '': Password for '':

cd .; git clone /root/find/src/

Cloning into '/root/find/src/'... remote: Repository not found. fatal: Authentication failed for '' package imports imports exit status 128

is there some ready x86 binaries available or better documentation or an install method (apt?) not using "GO" as have no idea of it

schollz commented 6 years ago

Sorry! You don't need go get ./... anymore because all the libraries are vendored. But to use the vendored libraries you have to work in the GOPATH. I will update the documentation, but here is how you should build:

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build
9H1LO commented 6 years ago

wow ! quick reply ! thanks i'll try that

9H1LO commented 6 years ago

what should $GOPATH be set to ?

root@haserver:~# cd find root@haserver:~/find# go get package cannot download, $GOPATH not set. For more details see: go help gopath

9H1LO commented 6 years ago

set $GOPATH to the gitclone folder (/root/find/)....probably its not right as i'm getting lots of errors when doing go build

root@haserver:~/find# echo $GOPATH /root/find root@haserver:~/find# cd $GOPATH/src/ root@haserver:~/find/src/ ls api.go cache_test.go fingerprint.go Makefile parameters_ffjson.go priors_test.go routes.go templates api_test.go data fingerprint_test.go mqtt.go parameters.go priorsThreaded.go server.go testing backup.go db.go Gopkg.lock mqtt_test.go parameters_test.go static backup_test.go Dockerfile Gopkg.toml network.go posterior.go rf.go supervisord.conf utils.go LICENSE network_test.go posterior_test.go svm.go vendor cache.go fingerprint_ffjson.go macs.json NOTICE priors.go svm_test.go root@haserver:~/find/src/ root@haserver:~/find/src/ root@haserver:~/find/src/ root@haserver:~/find/src/ root@haserver:~/find/src/ go build

../../../ error: reference to undefined identifier ‘atomic.Value’ m atomic.Value // map[reflect.Type]cStruct ^ ../../../ error: reference to undefined identifier ‘atomic.Value’ m atomic.Value // map[string]cTag ^ ../../../ error: reference to undefined identifier ‘sync.Pool’ errsPool *sync.Pool ^ ../../../ error: reference to undefined identifier ‘sync.Pool’ errsPool: &sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { ^ ../../../ error: expected ‘,’ or ‘}’ errsPool: &sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { ^ ../../../ error: expected map index on right hand side if tagsVal, found := v.aliasValidators[t]; found { ^ ../../../ error: expected map index on right hand side if current.fn, ok = v.validationFuncs[current.tag]; !ok { ^ ../../../ error: not enough arguments to return return v.extractTypeInternal(current.Elem(), nullable)

schollz commented 6 years ago


Also, maybe download the latest version of Go, as it will do it automatically

9H1LO commented 6 years ago

all i get is there no other way to get this without GO ? as its proving quite a headache

root@haserver:~/go/src/ go version go version xgcc (Ubuntu 4.9.3-0ubuntu4) 4.9.3 linux/386

9H1LO commented 6 years ago

root@haserver:~/go/src/ export GOPATH="/root/go"

root@haserver:~/go/src/ cd $GOPATH/src/

root@haserver:~/go/src/ go build ../../boltdb/bolt/bolt_unix_solaris.go:10:2: cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT) /root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)

schollz commented 6 years ago

Did you install Go with apt-get?

I'd suggest just downloading it - its easier:

9H1LO commented 6 years ago

thanks schollz !

yes as a note to all others, GO was installed via apt and it didn't work for me

i downloaded and extracted the tarball and its running fine now

managed to build and run find

thanks again and all the best

schollz commented 6 years ago

Great! Let me know if you have more questions.