I am trying to run Find but I keep encountering this issue.
$ ./fingerprint -e Enter group: Instead of typing next time, add '-g ' Enter location: Instead of typing next time, add '-l ' 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 001 You can see fewer messages by adding --nodebug 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 002 User: user 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 003 Group: 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 004 Server: https://ml.internalpositioning.com/learn 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 005 Location: 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 006 Running 3 times (you can run more using '-c SOMENUM'). Please wait... 13:26:22.913 main - INFO 007 Scanning Wifi 13:26:22.913 scanWifi - INFO 008 Gathering fingerprint with '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -s' 13:26:22.950 main - INFO 009 Processing 1 lines out output 13:26:22.950 main - INFO 00a Sending fingerprint to https://ml.internalpositioning.com/learn 13:26:24.634 main - CRIT 00b Something wrong with server
I am trying to run Find but I keep encountering this issue.
$ ./fingerprint -e Enter group: Instead of typing next time, add '-g ' Enter location: Instead of typing next time, add '-l ' 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 001 You can see fewer messages by adding --nodebug 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 002 User: user 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 003 Group: 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 004 Server: https://ml.internalpositioning.com/learn 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 005 Location: 13:26:22.913 main - NOTI 006 Running 3 times (you can run more using '-c SOMENUM'). Please wait... 13:26:22.913 main - INFO 007 Scanning Wifi 13:26:22.913 scanWifi - INFO 008 Gathering fingerprint with '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -s' 13:26:22.950 main - INFO 009 Processing 1 lines out output 13:26:22.950 main - INFO 00a Sending fingerprint to https://ml.internalpositioning.com/learn 13:26:24.634 main - CRIT 00b Something wrong with server