schollz / miti

miti is a musical instrument textual interface. Basically, its MIDI, but with human-readable text. :musical_note:
MIT License
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[Question]: Working with virtual instruments? #5

Open prologic opened 3 years ago

prologic commented 3 years ago


Thanks for creating this! I checked out your demo and this is really cool. I like the general idea of a simple language / DSL to create music.

Can this be made with virtual MIDI instruments though? I notice that this seems to only work with external MIDI devices which I don't have readily available so I can't play with this at the moment.


schollz commented 3 years ago

Hi @prologic

Yes, it works with virtual MIDI instruments. I didn't think to try until you asked!

I'm on Windows and I tried using Ableton (instructions here, but it should work with other DAWS...). For Windows you have to install this MIDI loopback program, Mac has one built-in.

When you have a MIDI loop running, when you run miti you should see it, something like this (I made two MIDI loops):

> miti
Available MIDI devices:
- loopmidi port
- loopmidi port 1

You can target that as an instrument in the .miti file. Then in Ableton you change "MIDI From" to your MIDI loop. That's it! You can create multiple virtual MIDI loops for multiple instruments and control them all.

0atman commented 2 years ago

On linux, I see there's midi through, but I don't see that as input to my DAW, do you know how to use it?

λ miti --list
miti v0.6.0-5001293 - musical instrument textual interface
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Available MIDI devices:
- midi through:midi through port-0 14:0
- arturia keystep 32:arturia keystep 32 midi 1 28:0
schollz commented 2 years ago

in your "miti" file you would just declare the instrument as "through". Which DAW are you using? I only know instructions for Ableton+Windows.

prologic commented 2 years ago

Anyone got this working on macOS with virtual instruments? 🤔