schollz / musicsaur

Music synchronization from your browser.
MIT License
281 stars 17 forks source link

Better documentation #26

Closed schollz closed 8 years ago

schollz commented 8 years ago

For starting on two Pis:

I'll put up a better writeup on the Github, but for now try this:

First log into both of your pis and install midori using

sudo apt-get install midori

On your faster Rasbperry Pi (lets call it pi1) do the following:

sudo pip install setuptools
git clone
cd musicsaur
sudo python install

Now edit config.cfg with vim or nano and edit the line #42 to

music_folder = /location/of/your/music

and then edit line #16 to

clients = pi1@,pi2@pi2.ip.address

where pi2.ip.address is the local IP addresses of your other pi. You can get this by logging into your second pi and typing $ ipconfig and looking at the wlan0 inet addr.

Now, still logged in to the pi1, you need to transfer a ssh key so you don't have to type a password in to start up music on these pis. To do this just type the following:


Press enter at each prompt. Now, from the same pi1 enter the following and type the requested password for each pi when it prompts:

ssh-copy-id pi1@
ssh-copy-id pi2@pi2.ip.address

Now that you have uploaded your keys to each of your pi from the server pi you can have automatic SSH access. Now, still logged into to the server pi1, just type the following


It will show an address that you can goto on your phone to control you music. If you want to, you can play music with Chrome on Android. And you should be good to go! Let me know if you have questions.

schollz commented 8 years ago


When you start the server and choose a folder, can you add songs to the folder to be played while its running? Or are all the songs only loaded when the server starts?

Songs are only loaded when the server starts. That's a good thing to add though. I'd also like to have better organization of the playlist on the webpage (at least sorted by artist...)

What are some alternatives to multi-room wifi playback?

schollz commented 8 years ago

Setup website