20160710_0807_italy_odessa/The travel name of the third video gallery of Road Nyirbator - Drobolach block is Magyarország, Budapest 3.3 (Magyarország in Hungarian) #3443
Scroll down to the Road Nyirbator - Drobolach block.
Pay attention to the travel name of the third video gallery.
Actual result:
The travel name of the third video gallery of Road Nyirbator - Drobolach block is Magyarország, Budapest 3.3 (Magyarország in Hungarian)
Expected result:
The travel name of the third video gallery of Road Nyirbator - Drobolach block must be Hungary, Budapest 3.3 (Magyarország must be in English)
Windows 10 Home edition (x64)
Google Chrome v.110.0.5481.178 (x64)
Steps to retroduce:
Open https://test.long-travel.live/20160710_0807_italy_odessa/
Scroll down to the Road Nyirbator - Drobolach block.
Pay attention to the travel name of the third video gallery.
Actual result: The travel name of the third video gallery of Road Nyirbator - Drobolach block is Magyarország, Budapest 3.3 (Magyarország in Hungarian)
Expected result: The travel name of the third video gallery of Road Nyirbator - Drobolach block must be Hungary, Budapest 3.3 (Magyarország must be in English)
Environment: Windows 10 Home edition (x64) Google Chrome v.110.0.5481.178 (x64)
Requirements: https://github.com/scholokov/long-travel-2/wiki/4.6-%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B6.-Youtube-%D0%93%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%97