scholokov / qax-portal-2

4 stars 0 forks source link

Achievements - "Досягнення – Проєкти" - "Подорож - Прев'ю - Верстка - Web" the number of points that can be obtained for the award is not specified #2141

Open Illia2810 opened 2 weeks ago

Illia2810 commented 2 weeks ago

Steps of reproducing

Open achievement

Actual Result "Подорож - Прев'ю - Верстка - Web" the number of points that can be obtained for the award is not specified(5 line 7)

Expected Result the number of points in the awards must meet the requirements

Additional information

Environment: System: Windows 10 Pro Browser: FireFox

Attachment: зображення зображення

Illia2810 commented 2 weeks ago