scholrly / neo4django

Drop-in Neo4j/Django integration.
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Queries on certain relationships return empty #245

Open NataliaKo opened 10 years ago

NataliaKo commented 10 years ago

0 down vote favorite

I am completely confused trying to query related nodes. In my I have:

class Person(models.NodeModel):
   name = models.StringProperty()
   age = models.IntegerProperty()
   friends = models.Relationship('self',rel_type='friends_with', related_name = 'friends')

class Pet(models.NodeModel):
   name = models.StringProperty()
   owner = models.Relationship(Person,
                            related_name='pets', preserve_ordering=True

class Place(models.NodeModel):
  name = models.StringProperty()
  inhab = models.Relationship(Person, 
                           related_name = 'place', preserve_ordering=True  )  
  loc = models.Relationship('self', rel_type = "has_inhabitants", related_name = 'has_inhab', preserve_ordering=True)

I have created some nodes and relationships.

pete = Person.objects.create(name='Pete', age=30) garfield = Pet.objects.create() pete.pets.add(garfield)
pete.pets.all() []

In this case I can successfully view pet-node, related to Pete. Then I created a node for London, where Pete lives, and I want to express the fact that London has Pete as inhabitant:

london = Place.objects.create(name='London') london.has_inhab.add(pete)

Then I try to list what I have just added, and total fail! :

london.has_inhab.all() []

At the same time this relationship can be seen in webadmin interface! In graphic mode as well as in shell:

neo4j-sh (London,26)$ ls ==> *name =[London] ==> (me)<-[:<>]-(mydb:Place,5) ==> (me)<-[:has_inhabitants]-(Pete,30)

bibby commented 10 years ago

In your Models, Person has 'friends', not 'pets'.