schoolofdata-ch / swiss-hospital-data

Data on hospital infrastructure in Switzerland
Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0
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Define the data schema #3

Open loleg opened 4 years ago

loleg commented 4 years ago

Since starting this project we have debated a lot about what kind of information we need and don't need. It is clear that our starting point, the available Open Government Data, has both too much and too little information. We want to expand and improve this schema, and write a converter to stay compatible in case there are future updates.

We are working on a data dictionary that is complementary to the schema, and explains the fields in clearly accessible terms. Currently we are especially interested in these indicators, which need to be clearly explained and defined:

    N of hospitals in CH (with name and geolocation)
    N of beds by hospital
    N of ICU beds by hospital
    N of respirators by hospital
    average % bed availability pre-COVID-19 (“Bettenauslastung”) by hospital
    N ICU nurses by hospital (“IPS Pflege”)

A repository was also started yesterday with an example dataset which aims to simplify and standardize the requests we are making to regional health authorities:

Our current data package has an automatically generated schema, which can be edited in the datapackage.json file, or loaded in the Frictionless Data Creator. The results of the data dictionary and schema proposal work can be merged in this way.

hammerdirt commented 4 years ago

Ref: N ICU nurses by hospital Hi, before i contact anyone have you contacted L'Association suisse des infirmiers et infirmières ASI?

I was a nurse (a long time ago) and we had to register our specialty and where we worked... IDK if this is the same in CH.

loleg commented 4 years ago

@hammerdirt sorry for the slow response. We did not contact them at the time, but their certification data has proven to be extremely useful to epidemologists. I'll make an effort to acknowledge them.