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`machlokes` should be valid alias for`switch` #10

Open AnalyzePlatypus opened 5 years ago

AnalyzePlatypus commented 5 years ago

Epes the ti'fa derech in lomdus is eilu va'eilu diveri Eloykim Chaim, Ka'yaduah. Av'ada it's a chushuve inyan to be magdir a machlokes al pi darkei Rabboseinu, and not Chas v'sholem with a goyyishe switch statement.

My eitza is to grada be goireis this hoisofa:

machlokes (i) beezras_hashem
        tzad 1: be_machriz << "pas nisht";
        tzad 2: be_machriz << "pas yuh";   
        tzad 3: be_machriz << "pas ha'bah b'kisnin";  
             ignore_maakeh; // fallthrough, loi aleinu
        lmayseh:  be_machriz << "Teiku";
AnalyzePlatypus commented 5 years ago

Just chapped that chakira is the original girsa for switch. I'm still oicheiz that this loshen is mamash givaldig.

greatjack1 commented 5 years ago

ich bin maskim tzum zeh.

dus iz zeir gut.