schorschinho / osprey

All-in-one toolbox for processing of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data.
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Siemens XA50 MEGA-PRESS : sub-specs attributed to extras dimension for Twix data. #733

Closed shui5 closed 2 months ago

shui5 commented 2 months ago


I have got the same issue as the author posted in MRSHub (link below). There are too many dimensions in the op_phaseCrCho.m function.

if in.dims.extras>0 error('ERROR: Can not operate on data with extras dimension! ABORTING!!'); end

Original issue: Vendor: Siemens System: XA50 Sequence: MEGA-PRESS (vendor's svs_edit sequence) Data type: TWIX Osprey: v2.5.0 DataScenario: phantom