schreibfaul1 / ESP32-MiniWebRadio

Internetradio with ESP32, I2S DAC and SPI TFT Display with Touchpad
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Psram error with V2.11 #292

Open ve2cfb opened 10 months ago

ve2cfb commented 10 months ago

Hello Wolle, i was running V2.10C and everything was fine untill i installed the latest V2.11 . did a comparision with v2.10C but i must have missed something. Thank very much for your time and by the way, i love the station list, its super easy to use.

Here is the message error:

================================================================================= ---- Opened the serial port COM3 ---- E (1039) psram: PSRAM ID read error: 0xffffffff [ 3][W][esp32-hal-psram.c:71] psramInit(): PSRAM init failed!

ESP32 Chip: ESP32-D0WD-V3 Arduino Version: 2.0.11 ESP-IDF Version: 4.4.4 MiniWebRadio Version 2.11 Aug 31/2023
ARDUINO_LOOP_STACK_SIZE 8192 words (32 bit) FLASH size 4194304 bytes, speed 40 MHz CPU speed 240 MHz SDMMC speed 80 MHz TFT speed 80 MHz PSRAM not found! MiniWebRadio will not work properly! assert failed: xQueueSemaphoreTake IDF\components\freertos\queue.c:1545 (( pxQueue ))

Backtrace: 0x40084e29:0x3ffc7ad0 0x4008f735:0x3ffc7af0 0x40099afd:0x3ffc7b10 0x40090871:0x3ffc7c40 0x400d7837:0x3ffc7c80 0x400f1336:0x3ffc7ca0 0x400dc424:0x3ffc7cf0 0x4010b575:0x3ffc7d50

ELF file SHA256: e701809e218b501b

---- Opened the serial port COM3 ---- E (1039) psram: PSRAM ID read error: 0xffffffff [ 3][W][esp32-hal-psram.c:71] psramInit(): PSRAM init failed!

ESP32 Chip: ESP32-D0WD-V3 Arduino Version: 2.0.11 ESP-IDF Version: 4.4.4 MiniWebRadio Version 2.11 Aug 31/2023
ARDUINO_LOOP_STACK_SIZE 8192 words (32 bit) FLASH size 4194304 bytes, speed 40 MHz CPU speed 240 MHz SDMMC speed 80 MHz TFT speed 80 MHz PSRAM not found! MiniWebRadio will not work properly! assert failed: xQueueSemaphoreTake IDF\components\freertos\queue.c:1545 (( pxQueue ))

Backtrace: 0x40084e29:0x3ffc7ad0 0x4008f735:0x3ffc7af0 0x40099afd:0x3ffc7b10 0x40090871:0x3ffc7c40 0x400d7837:0x3ffc7c80 0x400f1336:0x3ffc7ca0 0x400dc424:0x3ffc7cf0 0x4010b575:0x3ffc7d50


Compiling V2.11.txt

schreibfaul1 commented 10 months ago

This is a strange error. The PSRAM is recognised before the Setup() is called. So a connection with the new version is unlikely. Is the board really running with an older version? On some boards, the connections between PSRAM and ESP chip are led out and cannot really be used as GPIOs. Maybe one of these pins is contacted after all?

What must not be is the resulting continuous loop and restart. I have now prevented this.

ve2cfb commented 10 months ago

Hello Wolle, Just to clarify things... My three esp32 modules that i have tried are: ESP-WROOM-32 (ESP32 DEVKIT V1) 4M ram and they are 30 pins modules. I never had problem before. From your comment, it looks like i have external PSram but its not the case.

Many thanks for your time.... Pierre

ve2cfb commented 10 months ago

it seem that my ESP32 EROOM does not have a PSRAM. I tried a WROVER-E (8M PSRAM) and it worked ok. I still dont know why my previous version did worked. go figure...

ve2cfb commented 10 months ago

With the Aliexpress (ESP32-DevKitC-VE ESP32-WROVER-E 8MB FLASH 38 Pins) i had to lower the TFT_FREQUENCY to 40000000 on my (ILI9488). Note: Since i was using a prototype board ( i hate those spaghetti wires ) and a new SD Adapter, i had problem with Booting the code due to the GPIO2. i just removed the 10K resistor. Wonderful....

schreibfaul1 commented 10 months ago

Hi @ve2cfb, in earlier versions many things worked without PSRAM, but now the project is so big that a PSRAM is required. The GPIO2 of the ESP32 is a "strapping pin" I think it has to be grounded at boot time, but the SD card expects a pullup. The pullup is turned on by SW in Setup(). Sometimes the HW pullup is sufficient and the SD_MMC is no longer recognised. ILI9488 is indeed a problem case and does not manage 80MHz in my case. ILI9431, ILI9486 and ST7796 have no problems with 80mHz.

Rich1975 commented 10 months ago

Hi Wolle, So, as per your last comment does it mean "upgrade your "hard ware" or find a different program", Would be nice to have the earlier versions for those of us who didnt want those extra bells and whistles and if so how do we get the earlier versions? Even so, thanks for your efforts, I do appriciate it, it has given me something to think about and looking forward to continuing to be involved in electronics says this old man

valera39 commented 10 months ago

Rich1975 Here's version 1.30a Only the early libraries will probably be needed

Rich1975 commented 10 months ago

Thank you valera39, I will give it a try, about 2 months ago everything seemed to be OK and was getting ready to build an enclosure for it and then it crashed, Thank you again.

valera39 commented 10 months ago

Rich1975 Please, I still have saved older versions and libraries for the radio

Rich1975 commented 10 months ago

valera39, Thank you for the link to earlier code, could I trouble you to explain how to use it with PlatfomIO, Here's what I did....1) down load the zip file, 2) extract all, 3) start PlatformIO, 4) Close Folder (because it may be something else,) 6) Click "Open Folder and choose the folder where I had extracted the zipped file. NEXT if I try to Build I get an error [.pio\build\esp32dev\src\main.cpp.o] Error 1. This is at the top of the screen MiniWebRadio -- Webradio receiver for ESP32, 2.8 color display (320x240px) and VS1053 MP3 module. * //***** // // first release on 03/2017 // Version 30a, Aug 18/2021 Have I provided enough info and could you help me?

valera39 commented 10 months ago

Rich1975 I compiled this version following Wolle's instructions in the additional_info folder. I compiled it in Arduino IDE and it worked right away. And since the second version I used PlatformIO. Try to use Arduino IDE for the first version, you should definitely succeed, there is nothing complicated, just carefully read the instructions. The version I sent you is the last one that compiles also in Arduino IDE. The next versions are only in PlatformIO. I used Arduino IDE version 1.8.16

MikeF59 commented 9 months ago

hi , I tried to compile v. 1.30a from above for esp32 with platformio and I get this error:

src/main.cpp:169:49: error: no matching function for call to 'VS1053::VS1053(int, int, int)' VS1053 vs1053(VS1053_CS, VS1053_DCS, VS1053_DREQ); ^ In file included from src/main.cpp:77: .pio/libdeps/esp32dev/ESP32-vs1053_ext/src/vs1053_ext.h:279:5: note: candidate: 'VS1053::VS1053(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t)' VS1053(uint8_t _cs_pin, uint8_t _dcs_pin, uint8_t _dreq_pin, uint8_t spi, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t miso, uint8_t sclk); ^~ .pio/libdeps/esp32dev/ESP32-vs1053_ext/src/vs1053_ext.h:279:5: note: candidate expects 7 arguments, 3 provided .pio/libdeps/esp32dev/ESP32-vs1053_ext/src/vs1053_ext.h:105:7: note: candidate: 'VS1053::VS1053(const VS1053&)' class VS1053 : private AudioBuffer{ ^~ .pio/libdeps/esp32dev/ESP32-vs1053_ext/src/vs1053_ext.h:105:7: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 3 provided

What is a problem, please ? Can You help me ?

ivp1967 commented 9 months ago

Good afternoon. Tell me which latest version will work on ESP32wroom without additional SPRAM memory?

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.