schreibfaul1 / ESP32-MiniWebRadio

Internetradio with ESP32, I2S DAC and SPI TFT Display with Touchpad
319 stars 78 forks source link

DLNA Issue in V3 #350

Closed TubaFonse closed 5 months ago

TubaFonse commented 7 months ago

Hallo Wolle! Ich bin am Testen von V3.0 und warte schon sehnsüchtig, bis endlich mein KCX_BT_Emitter mit der Post kommt ...

In der aktuellen V3.0 Version kann ich derzeit über DLNA keine Musik mehr abspielen! Nach Auswahl des Titels (über Select level 4) erhalte ich folgende Meldung (und eine endlose Boot-Schleife): grafik

17:16:24 DLNA_server: title Wunder der Musik, childCount 0, itemSize 17272304, duration 0:03:18 17:16:24 DLNA_server: returned 0 from 0 17:17:19 AUDIO_info: Connect to new host: "http:// . . . :10243/WMPNSSv4/3176339685/1_N18zODhhNmM4Yi00NjMwMQ.mp3" Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (StoreProhibited). Exception was unhandled. Core 1 register dump: PC : 0x400570bc PS : 0x00060c30 A0 : 0x820a06e2 A1 : 0x3fcbbe00 A2 : 0xbcc37272 A3 : 0x00000000 A4 : 0x0000414d A5 : 0xbcc37272
A6 : 0x00060e23 A7 : 0x00000000 A8 : 0x8037a348 A9 : 0x3fcbbdc0 A10 : 0x00000000 A11 : 0x00000000 A12 : 0x00000008 A13 : 0x3d804288
A14 : 0x3fca6e6c A15 : 0x00000000 SAR : 0x00000019 EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001d EXCVADDR: 0xbcc37272 LBEG : 0x400570e8 LEND : 0x400570f3 LCOUNT : 0xffffffff
Backtrace: 0x400570b9:0x3fcbbe00 |<-CORRUPTED

0 0x400570b9:0x3fcbbe00 in ?? ??:0

ELF file SHA256: 96f5f4d78d93e641 Rebooting... ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327 Build:Mar 27 2021 rst:0xc (RTC_SW_CPU_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) Saved PC:0x420c91d2 SPIWP:0xee mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fce3808,len:0x44c load:0x403c9700,len:0xbd8 load:0x403cc700,len:0x2a80 entry 0x403c98d0 [ 816][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:96] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled ESP32 Chip: ESP32-S3 Arduino Version: 2.0.14 ESP-IDF Version: 4.4.6 MiniWebRadio Version 3.00k Feb 11/2024 ARDUINO_LOOP_STACK_SIZE 8192 words (32 bit) FLASH size 16777216 bytes, speed 80 MHz CPU speed 240 MHz SDMMC speed 80 MHz TFT speed 40 MHz PSRAM total size: 8384759 bytes RESET_REASON: Software reset due to exception/panic 16:17:19
MiniWebRadio V3

Hilft Dir das weiter und kannst Du den Fehler bei Dir reproduzieren? Danke & Gruß aus Bayern, Alfons

schreibfaul1 commented 7 months ago

Hallo Alfons, das ist nicht einfach zu ergründen. Ich habe in der heutigen Version "Reset Reasons" hinzugefügt. Damit sollte es möglich sein, bei einem solchen Fehler nicht mehr in eine Endlosschleife zu laufen. Reset-Reasons laufen auf den S3 ganz gut, auf dem ESP32 stimmt das was zurückgemeldet wird nicht ganz, aber es wird trotzdem funktionieren. Kommt der beschriebene Fehler immer in Verbindung mit dem DLNA Client? Immer, egal was du auswählst?

Die BT Emitter kommen aus China, die Lieferzeit war bei mir 4 Wochen. Ich hatte glücklicherweise gleich zwei bestellt, der erste ist beim Einlöten kaputt gegangen, vermutlich durch eine Berührung zwischen den Pins.

TubaFonse commented 7 months ago

Hallo Wolle, der beschriebene Fehler kommt nur in der V3 immer in Verbindung mit dem DLNA Client, egal welchen Titel ich auswähle oder auf welchen DLNA Client ich zugreife (ich hab 2 davon). Mit der V2 läuft das Abspielen auf meinen DLNA Clients ohne Problem. Mit der aktuellen Reset-Reasons Version läuft der Fehler nicht mehr in der Endlosschleife, sondern "hängt" sich wie folgt auf (noch bevor ich einen Titel auswählen kann):

load:0x403c9700,len:0xbd8 load:0x403cc700,len:0x2a80 entry 0x403c98d0 [ 810][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:96] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled ESP32 Chip: ESP32-S3 Arduino Version: 2.0.14 ESP-IDF Version: 4.4.6 MiniWebRadio Version 3.00m Feb 19/2024 ARDUINO_LOOP_STACK_SIZE 8192 words (32 bit) FLASH size 16777216 bytes, speed 80 MHz CPU speed 240 MHz SDMMC speed 80 MHz TFT speed 40 MHz PSRAM total size: 8384743 bytes RESET_REASON: Reset due to power-on event

00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 MiniWebRadio V3 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 setup: .... Arduino is pinned to core 1 00:00:00 tft_info: . init ST7796 00:00:00 setup: .... Init SD card 00:00:00 setup: .... SD card found, 1897.4 MB by 1938.5 MB free 00:00:01 setup: .... seek for stations.csv 00:00:01 setup: .... stations.csv found 00:00:01 setup: .... seek for WiFi networks [ 2658][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:84] addAP(): [WIFI][APlistAdd] add SSID: FRITZ!Box7490LF [ 7317][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:114] run(): [WIFI] scan done [ 7317][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:119] run(): [WIFI] 5 networks found [ 7318][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:160] run(): [WIFI] Connecting BSSID: C8:0E:14:0C:93:11 SSID: FRITZ!Box7490LF Channel: 11 (-45) [ 7367][W][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1061] _eventCallback(): Reason: 202 - AUTH_FAIL [ 7474][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:174] run(): [WIFI] Connecting done. 00:00:06 WiFI_info: Connecting WiFi... 00:00:06 WiFI_info: mDNS name: MiniWebRadio 00:00:06 setup: .... connected to FRITZ!Box7490LF, IP address is 00:00:06 ftpServer: Buffers allocated: 4622 bytes 00:00:06 rtime_info: Initializing SNTP 00:00:06 rtime_info: Waiting for system time to be set... (1/10) 00:00:08 rtime_info: Waiting for system time to be set... (2/10) 00:00:10 rtime_info: Waiting for system time to be set... (3/10) 21:02:52 rtime_info: 21:02:52 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: commFMT = 1 21:02:52 audiotask: is pinned to core 1 21:02:52 audiotask: priority is 2 21:02:52 setup: .... Number of saved stations: 44 21:02:52 setup: .... current station number: 7 21:02:52 setup: .... current volume: 20 21:02:52 setup: .... last connected host: 21:02:52 setup: .... connection timeout: 500 ms 21:02:52 setup: .... connection timeout SSL: 2000 ms 21:02:52 action: ... current volume is 20 21:02:52 action: ... switch to station 7 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: Connect to new host: "" 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: PSRAM found, inputBufferSize: 638965 bytes 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: buffers freed, free Heap: 193356 bytes 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: Connection has been established in 20 ms, free Heap: 193356 bytes 21:02:52 icy-descr: Arabella Austropop 21:02:52 StationName: Arabella Austropop 21:02:52 icy-url: .. 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: AACDecoder has been initialized, free Heap: 193356 bytes , free stack 5084 DWORDs 21:02:52 lastURL: .. 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: stream ready 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: syncword found at pos 0 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: Channels: 2 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: SampleRate: 44100 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: BitsPerSample: 16 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: BitRate: 56675 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: AAC HeaderFormat: ADTS 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: AAC Codec: MPEG-4 LowComplexity 21:02:52 StreamTitle: JAZZ GITTI - KRäNK DI NET 21:02:52 AUDIO_info: VBR recognized, audioFileDuration is estimated 21:02:53 WiFI_info: RSSI is -43 dB 21:02:54 ftpServer: Ftp server waiting for connection on port 21 21:02:55 Audiocodec: AAC 21:02:55 BT-Emitter: KCX_BT_Emitter not found

21:02:59 DLNA_server: [0] DS213J_AL 21:03:00 DLNA_server: [1] WIN10ALF: Hoeckmayr: 21:03:00 DLNA_server: 2 media server found 21:03:19 webSrv: ... GetFolder "/" 21:03:38 DLNA_server: title Bilder, childCount 7, itemSize 0, duration ? 21:03:38 DLNA_server: title Musik, childCount 10, itemSize 0, duration ? 21:03:38 DLNA_server: title Videos, childCount 8, itemSize 0, duration ? 21:03:38 DLNA_server: title Wiedergabelisten, childCount 2, itemSize 0, duration ? 21:03:38 DLNA_server: returned 0 from 0 21:03:40 StreamTitle: MINISEX - ICH FAHRE MIT DEM AUTO Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.

Core 1 register dump: PC : 0x42049016 PS : 0x00060430 A0 : 0x82008908 A1 : 0x3fceb230
A2 : 0x3fca1a7c A3 : 0x00000000 A4 : 0x00000000 A5 : 0x00000000 A6 : 0x00000000 A7 : 0x0000001a A8 : 0x82048ff6 A9 : 0xffffffff
A10 : 0x3fceb2a0 A11 : 0x00000000 A12 : 0x00000400 A13 : 0x3fceb6a0
A14 : 0x3d80af54 A15 : 0x00000040 SAR : 0x00000018 EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 LBEG : 0x400570e8 LEND : 0x400570f3 LCOUNT : 0x00000000

Backtrace: 0x42049013:0x3fceb230 0x42008905:0x3fceb6c0 0x42008ae9:0x3fceb7c0 0x4203f30f:0x3fceb7e0 0x4203f88a:0x3fceb830 0x4200d561:0x3fceb860 0x4205f959:0x3fceb8c0

0 0x42049013:0x3fceb230 in TFT::writeText(char const*, unsigned short, unsigned short, short, short, unsigned char, bool, bool) at lib/tftLib/src/tft.cpp:2194

1 0x42008905:0x3fceb6c0 in showDlnaItemsList(unsigned short, char const*) at src/main.cpp:2913

2 0x42008ae9:0x3fceb7c0 in dlna_info(char const*) at src/main.cpp:4308

3 0x4203f30f:0x3fceb7e0 in DLNA_Client::srvPost(unsigned char, char const*, unsigned short, unsigned short) at .pio/libdeps/esp32s3/ESP32-DLNA-Client/src/DLNAClient.cpp:621 (discriminator 1)

4 0x4203f88a:0x3fceb830 in DLNA_Client::loop() at .pio/libdeps/esp32s3/ESP32-DLNA-Client/src/DLNAClient.cpp:758

5 0x4200d561:0x3fceb860 in loop() at src/main.cpp:2955

6 0x4205f959:0x3fceb8c0 in loopTask(void*) at C:/Users/Hoeckmayr/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/cores/esp32/main.cpp:50

ELF file SHA256: 737279a4f1e504df

Rebooting... �ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327 Build:Mar 27 2021 rst:0xc (RTC_SW_CPU_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) Saved PC:0x420f296e SPIWP:0xee mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fce3808,len:0x44c load:0x403c9700,len:0xbd8 load:0x403cc700,len:0x2a80 entry 0x403c98d0 [ 817][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:96] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled

ESP32 Chip: ESP32-S3 Arduino Version: 2.0.14 ESP-IDF Version: 4.4.6 MiniWebRadio Version 3.00m Feb 19/2024 ARDUINO_LOOP_STACK_SIZE 8192 words (32 bit) FLASH size 16777216 bytes, speed 80 MHz CPU speed 240 MHz SDMMC speed 80 MHz TFT speed 40 MHz PSRAM total size: 8384743 bytes RESET_REASON: Software reset due to exception/panic

20:04:12 20:04:12
MiniWebRadio V3 20:04:12
20:04:12 20:04:12 setup: .... Arduino is pinned to core 1 20:04:12 tft_info: . init ST7796 20:04:13 setup: .... Init SD card 20:04:13 setup: .... SD card found, 1897.4 MB by 1938.5 MB free 20:04:14 setup: .... seek for stations.csv 20:04:14 setup: .... stations.csv found 20:04:14 setup: .... seek for WiFi networks [ 2665][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:84] addAP(): [WIFI][APlistAdd] add SSID: FRITZ!Box7490LF [ 5917][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:114] run(): [WIFI] scan done [ 5917][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:119] run(): [WIFI] 5 networks found [ 5919][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:160] run(): [WIFI] Connecting BSSID: C8:0E:14:0C:93:11 SSID: FRITZ!Box7490LF Channel: 11 (-45) [ 5962][W][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1061] _eventCallback(): Reason: 202 - AUTH_FAIL [ 6054][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:174] run(): [WIFI] Connecting done. 20:04:17 WiFI_info: Connecting WiFi... 20:04:17 WiFI_info: mDNS name: MiniWebRadio 20:04:17 setup: .... connected to FRITZ!Box7490LF, IP address is 20:04:17 ftpServer: Buffers allocated: 4622 bytes 20:04:17 rtime_info: Initializing SNTP 21:04:17 rtime_info: 21:04:17 21:04:17 AUDIO_info: commFMT = 1 21:04:17 audiotask: is pinned to core 1 21:04:17 audiotask: priority is 2 21:04:17 setup: .... Number of saved stations: 44 21:04:17 setup: .... current station number: 7 21:04:17 setup: .... current volume: 20 21:04:17 setup: .... last connected host: 21:04:17 setup: .... connection timeout: 500 ms 21:04:17 setup: .... connection timeout SSL: 2000 ms 21:04:18 action: ... current volume is 20 21:04:18 RESET_REASON:Reset reason can not be determined 21:04:18 WiFI_info: RSSI is -44 dB 21:04:18 ftpServer: Ftp server waiting for connection on port 21 21:04:20 BT-Emitter: KCX_BT_Emitter not found [ 12989][E][DLNAClient.cpp:155] srvGet(): The server is not responding after request [ 12989][E][DLNAClient.cpp:744] loop(): error in srvGet

Hier bleibt er dann "hängen". Könntest Du bitte mal ausprobieren, ob Du in der aktuellen V3 Version von einem DLNA Client in Deinem Home Netz etwas abspielen kannst?

Danke & Gruß, Alfons

schreibfaul1 commented 7 months ago

Super, mit diesem Log kann ich was anfangen und kann den Fehler reproduzieren. Mir ist nur noch nicht ganz klar, was die Ursache ist.

TubaFonse commented 7 months ago

In V3 sieht meine Auswahlmöglichkeit so aus: grafik Ausgabe: grafik In V2 sieht die Auswahl im Level 1 viel detaillierter aus: grafik

TubaFonse commented 7 months ago

Vielleicht passen da die Übergabeparameter nicht mehr zusammen, was den Crash verursacht?

schreibfaul1 commented 7 months ago

Ich glaube ich habe den Fehler beseitigt. Innerhalb des Verzeichnisbaums gibt es einen Ebenenzähler. Insgesamt gibt es 6 Ebenen. Wenn ein Server nicht antwortet wird die Ebene um eins zurückgezählt. Aber wenn die Ebene 0 ist... Und zusätzlich habe ich den Timeout für die Antwort des Servers verdoppelt, von 500ms auf 1000ms.

V2 benutzt die Soap32 Lib von Yellobyte, für V3 habe ich eine eigene geschrieben. Mal sehen, wie ich dem DLNA Server sage, dass er ausführlicher antworten soll.

TubaFonse commented 7 months ago

Hallo Wolle, habe es soeben ausprobiert - über das Web-Interface funktioniert die Auswahl bis zum Level 1, mehr nicht. Über den Touchscreen kann ich zumindest jetzt einen Titel auswählen, bis das Programm wie folgt abstürzt und neu bootet:

19:24:38 DLNA_server: [0] WIN10ALF: Hoeckmayr: 19:24:39 DLNA_server: [1] DS213J_AL 19:24:39 DLNA_server: 2 media server found 19:24:56 txt overflow, winHeight=128, strlen=39, written=36, str=DIE WILDEN KAISER - WARUM REGGAE MI AUF 19:25:08 txt overflow, winHeight=128, strlen=39, written=36, str=DIE WILDEN KAISER - WARUM REGGAE MI AUF 19:25:27 StreamTitle: GEORG DANZER & WILFRIED - SCHAU SCHATZI 19:25:30 DLNA_server: title Bilder, childCount 7, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:30 DLNA_server: title Musik, childCount 10, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:30 DLNA_server: title Videos, childCount 8, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:30 DLNA_server: title Wiedergabelisten, childCount 2, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:30 DLNA_server: returned 0 from 0 19:25:38 DLNA_server: title Alben, childCount 2, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:38 DLNA_server: title Albuminterpreten, childCount 3, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:38 DLNA_server: title Alle Interpreten, childCount 3, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:38 DLNA_server: title Alle Musikdateien, childCount 130, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:38 DLNA_server: title Bewertung, childCount 5, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:38 DLNA_server: title Genre, childCount 3, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:38 DLNA_server: title Komponisten, childCount 17, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:38 DLNA_server: title Mitwirkende Interpreten, childCount 3, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:38 DLNA_server: title Musikwiedergabelisten, childCount 2, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:25:38 DLNA_server: returned 0 from 0 19:26:03 DLNA_server: title Musikgespür, childCount 30, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:26:03 DLNA_server: title Piano Piano, childCount 100, itemSize 0, duration ? 19:26:03 DLNA_server: returned 0 from 0 19:26:12 DLNA_server: title Am Böhmengässchen, childCount 0, itemSize 7295776, duration 0:03:02 19:26:12 DLNA_server: title Am Böhmengässchen, childCount 0, itemSize 16991920, duration 0:03:02 19:26:12 DLNA_server: title Am Kreuzersteg, childCount 0, itemSize 6327988, duration 0:02:38 19:26:12 DLNA_server: title Am Kreuzersteg, childCount 0, itemSize 14131773, duration 0:02:38 19:26:12 DLNA_server: title Astronauten Marsch, childCount 0, itemSize 5832088, duration 0:02:25 19:26:12 DLNA_server: title Astronauten Marsch, childCount 0, itemSize 14041587, duration 0:02:25 19:26:13 DLNA_server: title Blasmusik im Herzen, childCount 0, itemSize 16761056, duration 0:03:12 19:26:13 DLNA_server: title Blasmusik im Herzen, childCount 0, itemSize 7683100, duration 0:03:11 19:26:13 DLNA_server: title Das Tor der Alpen, childCount 0, itemSize 8298016, duration 0:03:27 19:26:13 DLNA_server: returned 0 from 0 19:26:19 AUDIO_info: Connect to new host: ""

assert failed: heap_caps_free IDF\components\heap\heap_caps.c:381 (heap != NULL && "free() target pointer is outside heap areas")

Backtrace: 0x40377b66:0x3fcbbca0 0x4037e575:0x3fcbbcc0 0x40387ff5:0x3fcbbce0 0x40378ad6:0x3fcbbe10 0x4037a345:0x3fcbbe30 0x420a1d76:0x3fcbbe50 0x420aae68:0x3fcbbe70 0x420646df:0x3fcbbe90 0x420627b4:0x3fcbbeb0 0x4202147b:0x3fcbbed0 0x420218f3:0x3fcbbef0 0x42003599:0x3fcbbf60

0 0x40377b66:0x3fcbbca0 in panic_abort at C:/Users/Hoeckmayr/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf@3.40406.240122/components/esp_system/panic.c:408

1 0x4037e575:0x3fcbbcc0 in esp_system_abort at C:/Users/Hoeckmayr/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf@3.40406.240122/components/esp_system/esp_system.c:137

2 0x40387ff5:0x3fcbbce0 in __assert_func at C:\Users\Hoeckmayr.platformio\packages\framework-espidf@3.40406.240122\components\newlib/assert.c:85

3 0x40378ad6:0x3fcbbe10 in heap_caps_free at C:\Users\Hoeckmayr.platformio\packages\framework-espidf@3.40406.240122\components\heap/heap_caps.c:381

  (inlined by) heap_caps_free at C:\Users\Hoeckmayr\.platformio\packages\framework-espidf@3.40406.240122\components\heap/heap_caps.c:366

4 0x4037a345:0x3fcbbe30 in esp_mbedtls_mem_free at C:\Users\Hoeckmayr.platformio\packages\framework-espidf@3.40406.240122\components\mbedtls\port/esp_mem.c:46

5 0x420a1d76:0x3fcbbe50 in mbedtls_free at C:\Users\Hoeckmayr.platformio\packages\framework-espidf@3.40406.240122\components\mbedtls\mbedtls\library/platform.c:66

6 0x420aae68:0x3fcbbe70 in mbedtls_ssl_free at C:\Users\Hoeckmayr.platformio\packages\framework-espidf@3.40406.240122\components\mbedtls\mbedtls\library/ssl_tls.c:6761

7 0x420646df:0x3fcbbe90 in stop_ssl_socket(sslclient_context, char const, char const, char const) at C:/Users/Hoeckmayr/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/libraries/WiFiClientSecure/src/ssl_client.cpp:336

8 0x420627b4:0x3fcbbeb0 in WiFiClientSecure::stop() at C:/Users/Hoeckmayr/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/libraries/WiFiClientSecure/src/WiFiClientSecure.cpp:98

9 0x4202147b:0x3fcbbed0 in Audio::setDefaults() at .pio/libdeps/esp32s3/ESP32-audioI2S/src/Audio.cpp:315

10 0x420218f3:0x3fcbbef0 in Audio::connecttohost(char const, char const, char const*) at .pio/libdeps/esp32s3/ESP32-audioI2S/src/Audio.cpp:538 (discriminator 2)

11 0x42003599:0x3fcbbf60 in audioTask(void*) at src/audiotask.cpp:64

ELF file SHA256: d8553ce1868d016a

Rebooting... ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327 Build:Mar 27 2021 rst:0xc (RTC_SW_CPU_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) Saved PC:0x420f3046 SPIWP:0xee mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fce3808,len:0x44c load:0x403c9700,len:0xbd8 load:0x403cc700,len:0x2a80 entry 0x403c98d0 [ 817][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:96] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled

ESP32 Chip: ESP32-S3 Arduino Version: 2.0.14 ESP-IDF Version: 4.4.6 MiniWebRadio Version 3.00m Feb 19/2024 ARDUINO_LOOP_STACK_SIZE 8192 words (32 bit) FLASH size 16777216 bytes, speed 80 MHz CPU speed 240 MHz SDMMC speed 80 MHz TFT speed 40 MHz PSRAM total size: 8384743 bytes RESET_REASON: Software reset due to exception/panic

18:26:20 18:26:20
MiniWebRadio V3 18:26:20
18:26:20 18:26:20 setup: .... Arduino is pinned to core 1 18:26:20 tft_info: . init ST7796 18:26:20 setup: .... Init SD card 18:26:21 setup: .... SD card found, 1897.4 MB by 1938.5 MB free 18:26:22 setup: .... seek for stations.csv 18:26:22 setup: .... stations.csv found 18:26:22 setup: .... seek for WiFi networks [ 2665][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:84] addAP(): [WIFI][APlistAdd] add SSID: FRITZ!Box7490LF [ 7524][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:114] run(): [WIFI] scan done [ 7524][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:119] run(): [WIFI] 7 networks found [ 7526][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:160] run(): [WIFI] Connecting BSSID: C8:0E:14:0C:93:11 SSID: FRITZ!Box7490LF Channel: 11 (-45) [ 7569][W][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1061] _eventCallback(): Reason: 202 - AUTH_FAIL [ 7661][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:174] run(): [WIFI] Connecting done. 18:26:27 WiFI_info: Connecting WiFi... 18:26:27 WiFI_info: mDNS name: MiniWebRadio 18:26:27 setup: .... connected to FRITZ!Box7490LF, IP address is 18:26:27 ftpServer: Buffers allocated: 4622 bytes 18:26:27 rtime_info: Initializing SNTP 19:26:27 rtime_info: 19:26:27 19:26:27 AUDIO_info: commFMT = 1 19:26:27 audiotask: is pinned to core 1 19:26:27 audiotask: priority is 2 19:26:27 setup: .... Number of saved stations: 14 19:26:27 setup: .... current station number: 7 19:26:27 setup: .... current volume: 8 19:26:27 setup: .... last connected host: 19:26:27 setup: .... connection timeout: 500 ms 19:26:27 setup: .... connection timeout SSL: 2000 ms 19:26:27 action: ... current volume is 8 19:26:27 RESET_REASON:Reset reason can not be determined 19:26:27 WiFI_info: RSSI is -46 dB 19:26:27 ftpServer: Ftp server waiting for connection on port 21 19:26:28 webSrv: ... File not found "/logo/.jpg" 19:26:29 BT-Emitter: KCX_BT_Emitter not found 19:26:33 DLNA_server: [0] DS213J_AL 19:26:33 DLNA_server: [1] WIN10ALF: Hoeckmayr: 19:26:33 DLNA_server: 2 media server found

Hilft das zur Fehlersuche weiter? Danke & Gruß, Alfons

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

TubaFonse commented 5 months ago

Problem gelöst, erledigt mit #389 Danke & Grüße, Alfons